puffpants | 20 points | Jun 05 2017 19:18:54

[meta] megadownloader userblock [-16]

tried to resume a download and i get this error. Any ideas?

| The file could not be verified.

| * File code: N?hmZjABSJ

| * Error type: Otros

| * Internal info: MEGA returned an error when retrieving file information.

| Details: EBLOCKED - User blocked [-16].


[-] Flinkle | 3 points | Jun 05 2017 21:37:04

Dammit. They blocked me too. Apparently they're using other methods of user detection besides IP addresses.


[-] ForceBlade | 3 points | Jun 05 2017 22:01:55

100% not a surprise. They'll have cookies, Internal and external IP logging, hostname? Some hardware uuid's even. Until someone does the math we won't know to what extent it is. But there's no reason to not expect this. They're going really hard


[-] ThatOneDudeHere | 1 points | Jun 06 2017 01:36:32

File also seems to still be up on the mega-drive. This error also seems to happen when you aren't logged in at all. Silent fails in web browser even before it starts downloading any of it, not that you can really resume from there.


[-] Flinkle | 2 points | Jun 05 2017 22:23:23

Hmm. When I go to the actual web page, it doesn't tell me I'm blocked. It says that the link has been removed due to a ToS violation, the URL is invalid, or the uploader has removed the files.


[-] ThatOneDudeHere | 2 points | Jun 06 2017 01:39:32

The file removed error code, is different than the one they used to use for that, so uncertain.


[-] KHymatim | 2 points | Jun 06 2017 07:29:58

I'm getting this error...

Download stopped because there were too many connection errors (101). Last error: * File code: N?F6RXCSIS * Error type: Connection error. * Internal info: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (509) Bandwidth Limit Exceeded. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at MegaDownloader.FileDownloader.ChunkDownloader_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)

Looks like Mega is getting its bandwidth limits to apply to Megadownloader now. Unless I've made some error.


[-] KHymatim | 1 points | Jun 06 2017 08:57:29

Ok. I've read more now. Damn.
