randomcamel1 | 35 points | Jun 23 2017 11:31:59

[MOVIE] Thirst (2009) [720p] [x264] [997MB]

The password is in the name of this subreddit after /r/ starts with m ends with s



Sang-hyun, a priest working for a hospital, selflessly volunteers for a secret vaccine development project intended to eradicate a deadly virus. However, the virus eventually takes over the priest. He nearly dies, but makes a miraculous recovery by an accidental transfusion of vampire blood. He realizes his sole reason for living: the pleasures of the flesh.

A Chan-wook-Park Film


[-] llnl | 3 points | Jun 23 2017 17:09:50

Dude! Thank you so much. I noticed all the Chan-wook Park films you've uploaded...closest thing I've gotten to completing that list of Korean films. Amazing. Thanks!


[-] randomcamel1 | 2 points | Jun 23 2017 18:07:10

Ah no problem it's my pleasure feels good to give back to the community I've taken so much from.


[-] llnl | 3 points | Jun 24 2017 04:35:08

Ahh, my hero. Seriously though I gotta up some files for the community. As soon as I get a computer I'll come up with something.


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Jun 23 2017 17:53:45

Dude, thank you. First read about this movie last week or so in a thread about Korean movies. I'm pumped to check this out !


[-] randomcamel1 | 3 points | Jun 23 2017 18:07:49

Enjoy :)


[-] boltrop | 2 points | Jun 23 2017 11:33:07

Thirst (2009)

Genre: Fantasy, Horror

Rating: 7.1 (33296 votes)

Certification: R

Runtime: 133 min

Director(s): Chan-wook Park

Writer(s): Chan-wook Park, Émile Zola

Cast: Kang-ho Song, Ok-bin Kim, Hae-suk Kim, Ha-kyun Shin

Plot: Through a failed medical experiment, a priest is stricken with vampirism and is forced to abandon his ascetic ways.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^imdb.com ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Jun 23 2017 11:34:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
