CogginIsBack | 33 points | Jul 01 2017 20:19:08

[TV] Doctor Who - S10E12 - The Doctor Falls - 1080p - 1.66gb - Dacothetrainer

https://XXXX.XX/# !BZ13QRKK!sb3qLfBSMkp6-cEmnTtmD8IQeUhyqMGZ9ykXUPPbtTI

The XXXX.XX is the website we use.


[-] SubZorro | -3 points | Jul 01 2017 20:37:05

Subtitles for this episode:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] TheMister123 | 3 points | Jul 01 2017 22:32:29

Once again, this is not the correct subtitles. This is for the 12th episode of the season first aired in 1973 - namely Frontier In Space episode 4.


[-] saintspidey67re | 8 points | Jul 02 2017 00:32:08

Dude, it's a bot. I doesn't know, nor will it reply.


[-] patapatapatapata | 4 points | Jul 02 2017 13:16:59

That's racist.



[-] brownix001 | 1 points | Jul 02 2017 08:59:52

I mean, it says to contact /u/indigo6alpha. But is there an easy way to fix this issue? Old Who and Nu Who how is a bot supposed to find out the difference properly.


[-] LoveMHz | 2 points | Jul 04 2017 02:53:43

Properly naming the show would help. "Doctor Who", is the original, and "Doctor Who (2005)" is the reboot.


[-] brownix001 | 1 points | Jul 04 2017 03:07:21

This is the pirate world. Not sure how enforcing that will go.


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 1 points | Jul 04 2017 08:29:47

It's more down to the poster in this case, adding (2005) does allow the sub bot to pick up the correct series and most groups add the 2005 into their release title:


[-] zyme_ | 1 points | Jul 04 2017 16:50:33

It might have been a reboot while Russell T Davies was the showrunner but Steven Moffat wrote the plot back into a continuation of the original...

(2005) does help people understand what season you're referring to. Also for some reason The "original" is sometimes called Dr. Who...
