NoDrunkenMonkeyDude | 24 points | Jul 15 2017 13:31:16

[Anime] Shokugeki no Souma [1080p BluRay x264] [34 GB]

As requested by /u/letsnotreadintoit

The episodes contain japanese audio and english subtitles.

Link: aHR0cDovL2xpbmtzLnNuYWhwLml0LzU2M0FuLlNob2t1Z2VraS5uby5Tb3VtYQ==

Key: IWJBX3hhelpTRmM4RXFySU02Z1NrRGcNCg==

Use to get the link and key!

The password is the subs name after /r/ starts with m

Import to your own account as a reupload might not be possible

Edit: Forgot to clarify that this is the first season, of course!


[-] letsnotreadintoit | 2 points | Jul 16 2017 05:46:39

Thanks so much


[-] trooper1010 | 1 points | Dec 04 2017 07:40:07

Is there a chance of this coming back?
