douhaveanygreypoupon | 32 points | Jul 21 2017 11:19:07

[MOVIE] Man Bites Dog (1992) [720p Blu-Ray x264] [9.13GB]

Man Bites Dog (1992) 720p Blu-Ray FLAC2.0 x264 [9.13GB]

Original title: C'est arrivé près de chez vous, It Happened in Your Neighborhood

Public Link | Combine M + K -----------|------------- M: #F!IK4FmSCT

K: !Uc05GuPBYAr9H56qsB6jrA

Other Hosts | Info --------------|------------------------- Zippyshare | DLC (Mirror)

Size......: 9.13GB
Length....: 1:35:58
Video.....: 720p (1202x720) @ 13.2 Mbps, 24 fps
Audio.....: French FLAC 2.0 @ 422 Kbps
Chapters..: Yes (Untitled)
Subs......: French / English / Russian / German


[-] mteg | 2 points | Jul 21 2017 11:38:01

Been looking for this one for a long time; thanks a lot!

Didn't know the English title was so different from the original one, maybe that's why I never found it. If there's a 1080p copy I'd be happy to get it (with 9GB you'd get a bloody great 1080p encode).


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 2 points | Jul 21 2017 11:46:01

The 1080p encode available was worse compared to the 720p @ 1080p:


[-] mteg | 1 points | Aug 07 2017 11:04:17

Thanks for the follow-up! Quality of the 720p was good, it's just that it's a movie I'd like to keep.


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Jul 21 2017 17:25:30



[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 2 points | Jul 21 2017 17:53:10

It's supposed to be grainy, it's accurate to the source. When you don't give enough bitrate you end up with sections of grain smudged together which is why the walking dead usually looks like shit.

720p vs Blu-Ray source:


[-] boltrop | 1 points | Jul 21 2017 11:20:07

Man Bites Dog (1992)

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Horror

Rating: 7.6 (30152 votes)

Certification: NC-17

Runtime: 92 min

Director(s): Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel

Writer(s): Rémy Belvaux, Rémy Belvaux

Cast: Benoît Poelvoorde, Jacqueline Poelvoorde-Pappaert, Nelly Pappaert, Hector Pappaert

Plot: A film crew follows a ruthless thief and heartless killer as he goes about his daily routine. But complications set in when the film crew lose their objectivity and begin lending a hand.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Jul 21 2017 11:25:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] Lechatestdanslefrigo | 1 points | Jul 21 2017 21:20:23

Loved this grubby little film. Any chance of smaller file size?


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 1 points | Jul 21 2017 21:31:11

The 1080p was uploading before I was told the 720p was preferred, it's only on Zippyshare (DLC here)

Slightly smaller at 6.7GB exluding the par2's
