iPhunwa2 | 99 points | Jul 22 2017 10:14:31

[MOVIE/PACK] MCU - 2008-2016 - 14 Movies - 1080p BluRay 10bit x265 HEVC (23 GB)

This will most probably get taken down within hours, so make sure you import the folder to your account before downloading. A re-upload will NOT be possible.

List of Movies:

  1. Iron Man (2008)
  2. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
  3. Iron Man 2 (2010)
  4. Thor (2011)
  5. Captain America The First Avenger (2011)
  6. The Avengers (2012)
  7. Iron Man 3 (2013)
  8. Thor The Dark World (2013)
  9. Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014)
  10. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) IMAX EDITION
  11. Avengers Age of Ultron (2015)
  12. Ant-Man (2015)
  13. Captain America Civil War (2016)
  14. Doctor Strange (2016) IMAX EDITION

MEGA | ZippyShare

If you're having trouble downloading from MEGA, or can't bypass the bandwidth limit, use ZippyShare with JDownloader.


[-] eMeSsBee | 3 points | Jul 22 2017 13:54:32

How do these look compared to the x264 versions on snahp.it


[-] gurpreetshanky | 1 points | Jul 22 2017 23:57:17

I have checked all of them looked fine to me on 4K screen through they are 1080p.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 00:25:49



[-] Sikash | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 21:45:01

I can't tell if that's good or bad for 265. I'm thinking average.


[-] aManPerson | 4 points | Jul 26 2017 06:30:17

x265 is like 5 times smaller than a comparable x264 rip. so think of these as almost 8gb x264 rips.


[-] K750i | 2 points | Jul 22 2017 12:25:56

What is the IMAX EDITION about? Do I need a 3D glass or something?


[-] shy247er | 6 points | Jul 22 2017 12:29:42

No, it means that vertical resolution is bigger. The "screen" is bigger so you see more details than in a standard bluray release.


[-] K750i | 1 points | Jul 22 2017 12:47:46

Then will it either get distorted, or resized smaller to keep the aspect ratio when viewed in a 16:9 monitor? Sorry I'm a noob and I have slow (1mbps) bandwidth.


[-] shy247er | 8 points | Jul 22 2017 13:02:26

It will be resized smaller. It won't get distorted, your player will fit it to your screen.

example: left is regular BR, right is IMAX http://trekcore.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/imax10.jpg


[-] ledessert | 1 points | Jul 23 2017 09:30:19

So basically we went "backwards," movies used to be 16/9 and finally they're 16/9 again and fit my screen ?


[-] TheAldella | 1 points | Jul 27 2017 08:34:54

Basically, cameras used to film in a set ratio, then we gained more on the sides, making it widescreen, then we gained even more on the sides, making it letterboxed on the tops and bottoms for cinema scope, and now we're gaining EVEN MORE image on the tops and bottoms for IMAX.


[-] ledessert | 1 points | Jul 27 2017 09:13:03

But they still releases blurays in letterboxed format even though they could release them in 16/9 by cropping the imax master, right ?


[-] TheAldella | 1 points | Jul 27 2017 11:02:47

they usually don't film everything in imax, so it would create product inconsistency and switching of aspect ratios throughout the films. Soon, though. Soon we'll get that.


[-] ledessert | 1 points | Jul 27 2017 11:36:56

Yeah, I remember watching some batman movie where it switched between aspect ratios, didn't found that really annoying


[-] TheAldella | 1 points | Jul 28 2017 00:45:02

The Dark Knight Rises. It was IMAX and cinema scope trading off. Which is what these do. IMAX is INCREDIBLY expensive and the cameras are super heavy, so it's hard as hell to film a whole movie in it.


[-] AnotherHammer | 2 points | Nov 04 2017 02:05:43

Down, any chance of a reupload?


[-] PharaohKings | 1 points | Jul 22 2017 10:36:11

Are there subtitles included?


[-] iPhunwa2 | 5 points | Jul 22 2017 10:37:04



[-] PharaohKings | 2 points | Jul 22 2017 10:52:17

Nice, thanks for uploading :D


[-] clmaiden | 1 points | Jul 22 2017 12:18:13

Thanks so much!


[-] tonystankisajerk | 1 points | Jul 22 2017 18:09:59

Thanks for this. I had most of the movies, except for Incredible Hulk and both Thor movies


[-] DarkmessageCH | 1 points | Jul 24 2017 16:53:10

Thank you so much for Zippy!


[-] AlbertZhuFG | 1 points | Jul 25 2017 01:54:14

Link for No. 7 file for Iron Man 3 on ZippyShare isn't working


[-] renzy123 | 1 points | Jul 27 2017 17:43:40

This is amazing on so many levels! Stupid question, but do you plan on doing this when Guardians 2 releases? I love having everything by the same poster.


[-] viper8828 | 1 points | Oct 24 2017 07:04:24

im actually getting a blocked from the mega when I try to access it on megasync bleh, not a fan of zippy but might have to use it for these, thanks!
