Himechi | 35 points | Jul 27 2017 00:22:08

[MOVIE] The Abyss Special Edition (1989) HDTV 10bit x265 16:9 highcal

[MOVIE] The Abyss Special Edition (1989) HDTV 10bit x265 16:9 highcal

[edit] Forgot the file size - 3.29GB.


ITJWN3hYd0MxdVJQbjFKVEJIYXZsRnc= (base64)

English and Korean subtitles

The mega link will take you to a folder containing this along with the theatrical cut and a .rar of the deluxe edition soundtrack.

Note that this rip is in 16:9 (the theatrical version is 2.35:1). James Cameron shot the movie in Super35 and so nothing has been cropped out. Instead there is more vertical content. These screenshots show the difference, along with a variation in colour grading between this rip and the theatrical rip. Comparing both screenshots to the THX-certified DVD (see the bottom of the screenshots) this Special Edition rip is the 'correct' one of the pair.

I tried to mux in the DVD's commentary subtitles and quickly ran into a problem. This rip is too short. As far as I can tell nothing has been cut out of it. The file appears to have been time stretched. The movie should be 2:51:03. This rip is 2:43:54. The commentary subtitles go out of sync before the end of the first scene. I don't know why it's like this. Maybe it was the broadcaster, maybe whoever recorded it at home futzed a setting.

I wrote in my other The Abyss post that they had a lot of work to do to before the Special Edition would be ready for 1080p/4K. Afterwards I realized I should probably go take a look and see if maybe they'd done it already. Turns out they did. They only thing they didn't do was replace the mediocre synth scoring. Maybe one day...


[-] dosemeele | 3 points | Jul 27 2017 00:24:37

Looks like they released mega! Can download normally with megadownloader!


[-] fonts-a-tron | 3 points | Jul 27 2017 00:41:30

Great movie. Thanks


[-] Harouto | 3 points | Aug 08 2017 18:53:18

Thanks for the upload!

I checked and the video is at 25fps so it's normal that the run time is a bit shorter.


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points | Jul 27 2017 01:58:35

With regards to the shorter time stamp, what sometimes happens on TV is the broadcaster trims a few seconds here and there to make more time for advertising. The result is that no major cuts are usually made (i.e. full scenes missing) but lots of shots "linger" for slightly less time than originally intended.


[-] reallynotnick | 2 points | Jul 27 2017 04:25:41

I also wonder if the time difference has to do with frame rates, I know a lot of 24fps movies are sped up to 25fps for PAL regions. It's super close to a 25:24 ratio on the two times OP gave.


[-] BRINGTHESLEEP | 1 points | Jul 27 2017 08:05:27

Another things stations will do is slightly speed up the movie by like 5% just barely unnoticeable but shaves off 10 minutes


[-] tony_curtis_is_dead | 2 points | Jul 27 2017 18:19:00



[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Jul 27 2017 00:25:11

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
