_waffleiron | 20 points | Aug 08 2017 22:33:12

[Ebook] WARRIORS: Graystripe's Adventure Colorized Manga. Erin Hunter. (MOBI)


Password: name of the subreddit

Encryption: !p6qr9C4dkjXPQhAETWnXsA



[-] Dragonborn2046 | 1 points | Aug 09 2017 02:25:40

Can you post the encryption as a comment so I can copy and paste it?


[-] _waffleiron | 1 points | Aug 09 2017 03:01:09



[-] Dragonborn2046 | 1 points | Aug 09 2017 03:08:15



[-] Wylie28 | 1 points | Sep 17 2017 23:52:44

Download caliber, hit convert, set the output format to epup, then go to page setup, set the output profile to tablet. The images will not be their full size and downscale to fit the device.

I am also using the edit book feature to, split the book into all three parts. Save it three times. Remove parts so its 3 separate books. Then split the images off so each one is a new page. I will also be removing the random crap they throw in before each book and at the very end. But I have a low tolerance for inconsistency among my library. So I probably put too much effort into my Epubs.


[-] _waffleiron | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 06:08:13

Thanks for the instructions. Looks better than what I had tried. I've added the epub version if anyone wants it, though I don't know if it fits your standard.


[-] Wylie28 | 1 points | Sep 20 2017 04:16:59

Does it still look bad? Using your PDF my images are all 1291x1080 with what I did. Unless you are viewing on a very large, (like 9"+) high resolution tablet it shouldn't look upscaled at all.

Also do you happen to have any PDF or Ebook with the old style dawn of the clans map that have all 5 camps listed? It exists somewhere, here is a low resolution cropped version: https://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/11335818_1623651044555207_1053181536_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTAzNzIyOTE3MzY4MzkwMTk4MQ%3D%3D.2 but I cannot find the original image anywhere. Every Path of Stars book I see has only 3 camps listed or the new map.


[-] _waffleiron | 1 points | Sep 20 2017 10:35:09

It all looks good to me.

I've checked all of DotC, it doesn't look like any of them have that map oddly enough. Here's the map from my physical copy. I think you'd have to do a bookscan to get a digital version of these images.


[-] Wylie28 | 1 points | Sep 20 2017 19:38:17

That image doesn't have the cross page shadows. It exists somewhere. Ill see if maybe I can photo shop it from the PoS Epub I have.
