MyAssDoesHeeHawww | 16 points | Aug 18 2017 02:43:00

[META] The Mega add-on deletes files without permission

A heads-up about the official Mega add-on for Firefox (I use the PaleMoon derivative): it's given itself the power to delete downloaded files without asking permission to do so.

I downloaded files individually from a folder and verified them as downloaded, but they were instantly deleted upon hitting Mega's transfer quota (which is pretty random when you've got a dynamic IP).


[-] exhippy | 2 points | Aug 18 2017 03:12:40

I don't use the Firefox Mega extension anymore.You are better off saving the files to a free Mega account.Then you don't need the extension anymore.


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points | Aug 18 2017 14:00:31

Be careful, when the original folder you imported content from is taken down all the import links get taken down too.


[-] exhippy | 1 points | Aug 18 2017 03:17:10

There are plenty of disposable email addresses out there, to open the mega account with, if you don'want to use your own.
