Yeezy350824 | 84 points | Aug 18 2017 06:51:39

[META] Can we stop the GoT “leaked episode here!!!!11!!” spam?

Any user browsing the sub recently will know these comments pop up on almost every post replying to the top comments. These all come from different accounts linking fake sites, profile taken down shortly after. Is there anyway to put a stop to it, or is this impossible to stop? Have the mods tried contacting the admins or r/modhelp?


[-] [deleted] | 40 points | Aug 18 2017 08:24:19



[-] JackThorne30 | 36 points | Aug 18 2017 13:00:18

A man needs Episode 7


[-] HelloHireMe | 4 points | Aug 18 2017 13:49:22

Upvote because its funny, but for real, i can wait. As much as it pains me. In the mean time, I watch youtube videos where nerds get all theoretical on whats going on in the background with the lore and characters.


[-] Excess | 4 points | Aug 18 2017 14:26:04

That's the thing. I was tempted too watch it early, but what stopped me was not the dubious quality, nor the lack of subtitles... it was the extra long wait I'd had to endure until the NEXT episode.


[-] playtio | 3 points | Aug 18 2017 21:25:11

dubious quality

Just so you know, we have it in perfect quality. Not just a cam rip on 540p


[-] Excess | 2 points | Aug 19 2017 00:42:23

Last I read (2 days ago) the sound was somewhat lacking and some versions had framerate issues? Stop tempting me devil.


[-] playtio | 2 points | Aug 19 2017 01:24:31

I watched a version the very first day that was fantastic, downloaded from this sub. The only way to avoid spoilers altogether is to watch it :P


[-] DJ_Endman | 1 points | Aug 20 2017 12:50:49

I've still that version if its not being passed around anymore.


[-] HelloHireMe | 1 points | Aug 18 2017 13:47:59

Odd, i really havent noticed those.


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 9 points | Aug 18 2017 07:08:07

Automod filters should take care of it if configured correctly, but more moderators would be more useful in the long term. Admins have said there isn't much they can do about these accounts popping up and spamming - it mostly falls on the sub mods to deal with it. By the time the admins get around to looking at these accounts they've already spammed, their bans only stop them spamming further and don't remove the posts already made.

If you see these kind of accounts you should send a PM to the admins with a link to the user profile (under Spam) and they'll shadowban the account.


[-] [deleted] | 5 points | Aug 18 2017 08:59:48

Isn't it a bot?

I can't tell


[-] Yeezy350824 | 2 points | Aug 19 2017 07:57:06

Definitely are.


[-] TheGoodSheep | 4 points | Aug 18 2017 13:10:30

We should have a single thread for those popular shows where people can post their version. There's no need for 30 posts.


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 2 points | Aug 18 2017 13:59:29

Reddit doesn't have the feature set to make it an easily workable solution compared to something like vBulletin

You can't sticky more than one comment and you have to rely on whoever is maintaining the thread to edit their comments to stop other links getting lost in the crowd. unless you just created the topic and locked it - but then you're still stuck having to send your link to the OP and wait for them to edit it in.


[-] TheGoodSheep | 4 points | Aug 18 2017 14:50:02

I don't really understand what you mean. Make a post "GoT Leaked S7E6" and people can post their versions in there, users can then decide which one they want to download. Nobody has to maintain anything, it doesn't have to be in the intro text. The same way the request threads work. Easy.


[-] r0bski2 | 3 points | Aug 18 2017 08:22:06

On a related note, can someone reupload the episode? Every single link on here has been taken down...


[-] chipsyyy | 4 points | Aug 18 2017 12:05:45

the zippys are still working!

the first zippy link is the 1080p


[-] r0bski2 | -6 points | Aug 18 2017 12:06:09

In about 10 different parts though, doesn't look like an easy option??


[-] SimpleDistilleries | 14 points | Aug 18 2017 12:47:57

Jdownloader2 will automatically pull all of the parts when you copy them. Then it will auto-extract it to the same directory for you. If you're not using Jdownloader2, you're not doing it right. x)


[-] zbxr81 | 4 points | Aug 18 2017 12:40:20

I don't have much experience with it (I got it on Mega), but apparently you can load all the links to parts in JDownloader2 to avoid repetitive clicking.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 2 points | Aug 18 2017 14:11:43

all you can do is report and comment so others don't fall for it


[-] DrahcirYkcir | 1 points | Aug 18 2017 18:45:29

I agree with this. Fortunately on the Discord it hasn't been so bad, but the approximate time any "leak" is supposed to come out, some people ask for it on more than one chat channel as if that'll make it come faster.


[-] Yage2006 | 1 points | Aug 18 2017 21:45:02

Have the mods tried contacting the admins or r/modhelp?

That would probably be a very bad idea, this sub doesn't need attention from reddit admin, they could just shut down the whole sub.

In a week nobody will care about that episode.


[-] Yeezy350824 | 1 points | Aug 19 2017 07:58:43

The admins have dialogued with the mods here, r/piracy, and r/trackers before. They're fine with it.


[-] sneakpeekbot | 2 points | Aug 19 2017 07:58:55

Here's a sneak peek of /r/Piracy using the top posts of the year!

#1: Oh look, it says there's a virus in my computer! | 450 comments
#2: College Textbooks :( | 364 comments
#3: Piracy Megathread

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] Yage2006 | 1 points | Aug 19 2017 09:01:35

Good to know.


[-] Reverx3 | -1 points | Aug 18 2017 14:10:22

Lets make a deal, if you leak ep 7 we will stop spamming for a year.


[-] [deleted] | -12 points | Aug 18 2017 14:30:41



[-] AnkitIndia | 5 points | Aug 18 2017 17:23:12

fuck off
