Eelysanio | 37 points | Aug 20 2017 16:10:49

[TV] The Legend of Korra S01 [1080p Bluray x264 DTS] [16.5 GB]

M: aHR0cHM6Ly9hYmNkLm56LyhoYXNodGFnKUYhQXRraW5hUlI=

K: IXBwQ2FRQ1puUEZ2Wk9ZYmkwNzhsMnc=

Instructions: Decode with Base64 separately and edit out as needed.

mediainfo (ep1)



[-] bringer1111 | 1 points | Aug 20 2017 17:15:32

Are you gonna do the seasons too?


[-] Eelysanio | 1 points | Aug 21 2017 04:08:55

I don't have the money to have a paid account so I'm focusing on posting high-quality versions of my favourite anime movies to save them from dead torrents, since I already have all of the Korra seasons downloaded in 1080p. I would absolutely do the rest of the seasons if I had more space or an easy means to manage multiple accounts.


[-] nyuszika7h | 1 points | Aug 21 2017 11:52:16

It's not that hard to manage multiple accounts. Megatools allows folder-specific config files.


[-] lydiasmartin | 1 points | Aug 22 2017 07:10:36

aw please do s3 ;-;
