givebak | 31 points | Aug 24 2017 06:34:48

[TV]I.Love.Lucy.COLORIZED.x264.MIXED (3 Episodes Including X-MAS Special - 5.6gb)

Hello all, been a little while. These are hard to find so I thought you should enjoy them. I know there are at-least 2 more HD Colorized episodes that CBS had aired so if somebody could track them down that would be awesome. Zippy link for lolz Enjoy and remove (((takeout))).

Link: Lm56LyNGITRLKCgodGFrZW91dCkpKTRtR1N5TA== 
Zippy: aHR0cHM6Ly9wYXN0ZWJpbi5jb20vc3dnRk5XTlA=


[-] Xpl01Tr | 1 points | Aug 25 2017 08:29:49

It's so amazing watching these with smoothing enabled. Makes you feel like you are there.


[-] redhousecat | 1 points | Aug 25 2017 17:20:30

ok, perhaps this cold is affecting my brain function, or the fact that there is something I don't understand about base64, however, I can't decode the key. It wants to me to download/save a file? Thanks!


[-] whywhywhyisthis | 1 points | Aug 26 2017 04:19:49

I have blu ray remuxes of season 1 if anyone is interested. don't know how much interest there would be...


[-] whywhywhyisthis | 1 points | Aug 26 2017 04:22:26

Yes please, I'm not terribly stupid but the key will not decode properly?
