sohamsdays | 55 points | Aug 28 2017 17:43:30



More Linux only video Games coming.


[-] Mac10Pro | 5 points | Aug 28 2017 22:06:20

Just curious, what are the benefits of using Linux o/s as opposed to something like Windows 10 or Mac Os?

Is linux a more bare bones thing, and designed for devs, etc?


[-] [deleted] | 14 points | Aug 28 2017 22:44:17



[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Aug 29 2017 08:54:44

Update: to update you can do sudo apt-get update and most if not all your programs are updated, no need to restart and you do it whenever you want.

Heavily customizable: for instance, with arch you can get away with installing just basic system components and few programs which will be around 3GB if i'm not mistaken. Also visually customizable depending on your desktop environment.

Drawback: if you use adobe stuff, solidworks, sketchup or something like that, you're gonna be having issues running them in wine. You have crossover but it doesn't support every program and you need to pay it after 15 days of trial use. Very popular games like GTA5, Battlefield, COD aren't natively supported on Linux but you can do a GPU passthrough with a VM and play it there if your PC is good enough. Some people get 95% of performance compared to physical windows installation that way. Still acceptable imho.

EDIT: thanks for the game.


[-] not_the_irrelevant | 3 points | Aug 29 2017 09:51:05

although in an ideal world everybody would be linux, linux as an OS is mostly beneficial for developers etc. I also only shifted to linux when i had to do some extensive work in network simulations. But to say that it is designed for devs is also wrong. It is no different than windows in its usage given that you may have to use the terminal for some tasks.


[-] sohamsdays | 3 points | Aug 28 2017 17:47:21

password is megalinks


[-] PricelessPersuader | 3 points | Aug 28 2017 17:50:59

Thanks my guy.


[-] sohamsdays | 4 points | Aug 28 2017 17:55:23

Check if you are able to install and get it to play !!


[-] PyNate | 1 points | Aug 28 2017 21:06:06

