TheAmnesiacKid | 15 points | Sep 05 2017 19:00:32

[MUSIC] Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream (1993) [Multi-channel DTS] [ISO] (1.04 GB)

This is a multi-channel DTS release for those who want to enjoy this album in surround sound.

Burn ISO to DVD and play through DVD or Bluray player connected to multi-channel audio system.

Link: /#F!pexW1bTR

Base64 Decode: IVZkXy1icVNTS2xqY0EzTXRVenN1bkE=


[-] tyleralderiondurden | 1 points | Sep 08 2017 11:25:10

are these fan made ass well?


[-] TheAmnesiacKid | 1 points | Sep 08 2017 22:32:19

Yes. Give it a listen!
