the_amazing_mc | 22 points | Sep 06 2017 15:26:42

[META] Bandwidth Exceeded Error With JDownloader

I am having an issue with JDownloader and I was wondering if anyone else had encountered it. When I launch JDownloader and try to download a link from Mega it gives me the "Bandwidth limit exceeded" even though I haven't loaded anything from Mega in a week. When I just go through my browser to download it works fine. Anyone else have this issue?


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 6 points | Sep 06 2017 20:27:38

are the files > 5GB?

for me, any time the file is > 5GB I see/get this error.


[-] RegisMK5 | 1 points | Sep 06 2017 21:09:29

I've been trying to download a file over 5GB all day and receiving the "Bandwidth limit exceeded". I use TorGuard proxy. I tried multiple proxy with no success.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 2 points | Sep 07 2017 07:09:12

yeah files > 5GB are a no go thru jdownloader. Just skip those or else once you hit it, you'll get bandwidth exceeded. doesn't matter which method you use


[-] mutantmarine | 2 points | Sep 06 2017 15:39:24

I also have this issue even though I use NordVPN. I'm on the latest update, I've restarted the program (same process for megadownloader and it works) but still shows limit exceeded. Not sure if it's a bug or just user error


[-] ruralcricket | 2 points | Sep 06 2017 21:55:07

Looks like there is a tread and open case


[-] abaddon3k | 1 points | Sep 06 2017 17:31:40

I am getting this happening on random links and I am a pro user. Started happening after the latest jDownloader update. Restarting the program seems to fix it, but only temporarily.


[-] EposVox | 1 points | Sep 06 2017 21:05:36

It's been a random error for me. Just gotta exit and give it a little time and relaunch


[-] ruralcricket | 1 points | Sep 06 2017 21:48:48

I'm having this issue as well. Using WindScribe VPN. JD2 is incorrectly remembering the bandwidth limit as for me it always resets to 60 minutes. Sometimes even exiting and restarting doesn't help. It seems to help if you do a reconnect, drop the vpn wait for JD2 to say off-line and then start up the VPN. JD2 will notice the new IP and often will reset mega downloads.

Edit: I have had JD2 off for 12 hours and longer not downloading from Mega and on restart got the bandwidth limit. I fired up MegaSync and it started downloading right away. So it's not a Mega issue.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 1 points | Sep 07 2017 07:13:25

you're problem is jd is remembering the state.

Are you using JD2's built in reconnect ion feature? If so, once that fires, iit will tell jd2 to "reset" it's state. If not, you'll need to restart Jd2 (either via the file->restart or via kill signals or via x'ing out)

Basically JD2 has no button to reset it's state. it either does it internally thru their built in reconnection feature or you gotta restart it (x'ing out, kill signal, file->restart). Leaving jd2 up and resetting your ip wont get you anywhere.

For your last comment, was the file you were grabbing > 5GB? If so whatever API jd2 uses wont let you dl files > 5gb and will throw bw exceeded immediately.


[-] ruralcricket | 1 points | Sep 07 2017 15:58:40

So I have a mega file in the queue that is 3.8 GB (part of a pack that totals 11 GB) and I just watched the JD2 count down timer run to zero and immediately go back up to 60 minutes. I also have MegaSync running and it started downloading.

Doing File->Restart in JD2 doesn't help. I've done a packet capture and you can see Mega respond to JD2 with a 509 error.

MegaTools' megadl also returns http Error 509 - Bandwidth Limit Exceeded. I think Mega has added signature detection which is what the JD2 developer says.


[-] doot_doot_doot_doo | 1 points | Sep 07 2017 19:08:08

so when you do the File->Restart, have you reset your VPN/changed your VPN location?

restarting without changing IP doesnt help, neither does changing IP without restarting..

They very may well have added sig detection (But what are they detecting? that you keep trying to DL same file? it should be starting as it's under the 5GB limit)

why not just download it thru megasync then?. Megatools probably has same issues as JD2


[-] Mac10Pro | 1 points | Sep 07 2017 12:32:37

I've had this error a few times. I usually clear history in browser, then open Jdownloader. If that doesn't work, LOG INTO MEGA via browser then open Jdownlaoder


[-] cxu1993 | 0 points | Sep 07 2017 18:03:12

i have this problem too. i just use megasync instead since its a pretty good program. jdownloader is basically only useful for and zippyshare links
