I_RIP_CRACKLE | 30 points | Sep 08 2017 20:49:54

[MOVIE] Night of the Living Dead [1968] [WEB-DL | 1080p | H.264 | 3.03GB]

A disparate group of individuals takes refuge in an abandoned house when corpses begin to leave the graveyard in search of fresh human bodies to devour. The pragmatic Ben (Duane Jones) does his best to control the situation, but when the reanimated bodies surround the house, the other survivors begin to panic. As any semblance of order within the group begins to dissipate, the zombies start to find ways inside -- and one by one, the living humans become the prey of the deceased ones.

Base64 encoded string: IVkxdjVCeUQzUWhOQVJGb3hOMDVHcjZSNVFPZUtoXzEyRGFuRzhOb1EzM1k=

Step one: Get the mega link at http://links.snahp.it/570NOTLD (password is sub name)

Step two: Decode the base64 encoded string with base64decode.org to get the key

Step three: Enter the decoded key at the mega link you got in step one


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Sep 10 2017 21:41:43

This is the 1990 NotLD :) If you have the 1968 version, please post it as well!


[-] I_RIP_CRACKLE | 1 points | Sep 10 2017 22:15:55

I'm pretty sure I do
