iPhunwa2 | 187 points | Sep 18 2017 08:40:18

[TV] Rick and Morty S03E08 Mortys Mind Blowers 1080p AMZN WEBRip DDP5.1 x264-QOQ (460 MB)

MEGA | ZippyShare

If you're having trouble downloading from MEGA, or can't bypass the bandwidth limit, use ZippyShare with JDownloader. If you're unsure on how to download using JDownloader, read the post I made here.


[-] SubZorro | 9 points | Sep 18 2017 08:45:12

Subtitles for this episode:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] rzwerzdsb | 7 points | Sep 18 2017 11:17:00

Anyone remember that episode 7 had audio issues ? Someone posted a fixed audio track, if you know how to use mkvtoolnix you can mux it in:

Original link base64: bWVkaWFmaXJlIGRvdCBjb20vZmlsZS9iMTJvYnZrM282dml4bDgv

ZippyShare base64: aHR0cDovL3d3dzQ2IGRvdCB6aXBweXNoYXJlIGRvdCBjb20vdi9sYVlla1ROcS9maWxlLmh0bWw=


[-] anddilolz | 3 points | Sep 18 2017 20:31:15

Thanks mate, where was this sourced from? Only asking because looks like ep. 8 suffers from same kind of audio issues and perhaps someone fixed the audio track for it aswell :(


[-] horsodox | 2 points | Sep 18 2017 13:21:46

Does this one also have audio issues?


[-] scaredy_cat_luigi | 6 points | Sep 18 2017 14:13:03

seems like it, quite low audio


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 3 points | Sep 18 2017 15:03:34

I just watched it, absolutely no audio issues


[-] tony_curtis_is_dead | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 15:07:03

Which, the original or the replacement?


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 15:10:47

The original


[-] horsodox | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 15:50:23

Specifically, the volume of the voices versus the rest of the audio. The posted versions of last week's episode have quiet voices. No such problem here?


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 3 points | Sep 18 2017 15:54:14

I didn't notice any audio issue with the audio tracks in any of the rick and morty episodes I've downloaded, and all of them have "Amazon.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-QOQ" at the end of the file name (even though the posts always say "AMZN WEBrip" etc.)


[-] jodorowsthesky | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 18:00:44

I had audio issues with both of the last two amazon webrips.Ambient sounds drown out voices at some parts


[-] Yage2006 | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 21:09:50

Same here, the audio is fine, granted I played it on a 6CH setup.


[-] larrythefatcat | 1 points | Sep 19 2017 05:34:57

I'm curious, did you get the initial version (AVC/x264 codec) of s03e07 and experience issues?

I'm using a 5.1 system and the issue with both episodes (although much more pronounced in s03e07) seems to be that the center channel isn't mixed at a high enough level to match all of the music/effects. There must have been something additional wrong with the first version of s03e07 because I seem to remember the rear channels not having much activity or also being at a lower level.

EDIT: After listening to the original audio on the x264 version of s03e07, it sounds like the surrounds aren't active at all along with the center channel being lower than it should. The 5.1 AAC on the x265 version sounds decent and the replacement ac3 linked to above almost seems like the surround channels are actually boosted just a bit too much. I only say "too much" because I have the rear speakers just behind where I usually sit to watch shows/movies and, despite the fact that I have the rear speakers turned down to compensate for their proximity, I can distinctly hear the ambient noises from them throughout the episode to a point where it's distracting.


[-] Yage2006 | 1 points | Sep 19 2017 05:38:47

For 307 I first got the original, the center channel was too low so got the x265. 308 I got the scene release which was fine.

As an aside, I saw similar complaints for the last episode of South Park. Not even releases but just in general in the episode discussion in the South Park subreddit.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 20:18:54

I didn't notice any problems with episode 7's audio, same for episode 8. I listened to the "fixed" version of 7 and compared it to the original and they both sound exactly the same.


[-] samuel_ip | 3 points | Sep 18 2017 09:57:26

thanks, man.


[-] ecchh | 3 points | Sep 18 2017 10:09:28

Thanks very much!


[-] fenchai | 2 points | Sep 18 2017 20:37:22



[-] HawkEy3 | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 15:28:47

JDownloader gives me an error "unkownfilename" since today for MEGA links, anyone else has this problem?


[-] RoyRoyMcBoii | 2 points | Sep 19 2017 01:13:20

Probably not what you're looking for but use the z1ppysh4r3 link instead


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Sep 18 2017 23:29:33



[-] XerXesKay | 1 points | Sep 19 2017 06:03:01

Thanks for Sharing.


[-] philippa_is_cute | -13 points | Sep 18 2017 17:31:44

People that watch this shit should be nailed to a cross


[-] non-troll_account | 19 points | Sep 18 2017 18:05:19

Jesus Christ.


[-] Doip | 9 points | Sep 18 2017 19:22:25

easy karma on /r/killthosewhodisagree

Put me in the screenshot thanks


[-] sneakpeekbot | 2 points | Sep 18 2017 19:22:35

Here's a sneak peek of /r/killthosewhodisagree using the top posts of the year!

#1: Whoa Barbara, settle down. | 63 comments
#2: That seems reasonable..... | 113 comments
#3: If you don't like PewDiePie | 108 comments

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] SANAFABICH | 6 points | Sep 18 2017 19:36:29

Nailed to a David Cross?
