tiiiiimmmm | 83 points | Sep 26 2017 14:05:41

[Movie] Blade Runner (1982) Final Cut Blu-Ray Remux 5.1 Lossless English TrueHD audio + separate 5.1 Dolby Digital English and French + 3 English Commentary tracks [Movie: 17.01 GB | Dolby Digital Tracks: 538.4 MB each | Commentary Tracks: 161.5 MB each]

INSTRUCTIONS: Decode at https://www.base64decode.org/ and remove word !TrasH# (including the pound sign and exclamation point) from both the link and the key. You must type 'mega' before the link after you decode it.



Blade Runner (1982) Final Cut Blu-ray Remux with 5.1 Lossless TrueHD English Audio, 5.1 Dolby Digital French and English audio + 3 English Commentary tracks from director Ridley Scott, the VFX and Art Direction team, and writers and producers available separately.


Media Info

UPDATE: Zippy Links (Thanks /u/xxdil111xx!)

Decode at https://www.base64decode.org/ and remove word !TrasH# (including the pound sign and exclamation point) from the link.

Link: aHR0cHM6Ly9ub2ZpbGUuaW8vZi9PQjduIVRyYXNII3ZuMUU1bXMvQkZDLmRsYw==


[-] cobalt-green | 14 points | Sep 26 2017 17:50:11

I've said it before and I'll say it again- I love the fact that you provide the audio tracks by themselves. It's something most people don't think about but I love downloading them, sometimes I don't even have the film itself yet. Keep up the good work


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 4 points | Sep 26 2017 19:08:32

Yeah, no problem. It's an elegant solution to keeping file size low and providing content for the greatest number of people.


[-] [deleted] | 5 points | Sep 26 2017 19:14:50

Thank you, is there a zippyshare mirror at all?


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 5 points | Sep 26 2017 20:08:48

Unfortunately I just don't have the bandwidth to upload to 2 different sources so I can only upload to Mega.


[-] VaporImitation | 3 points | Sep 27 2017 07:33:06

It's fine, glad you could at least upload it.

Wish someone would be kind enough to mirror it tho :)

there an 11.2Gb version on snahp it already.

That being said, I'm relly surprise the remux isn't bigger, was there a lot of extras taking space on the bluray ?


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points | Sep 27 2017 14:47:25

No extras on this disc, it's single layer and takes up ~21 GB of the 25 GB available on the disc when you count in the different audio tracks. The video stream size is pretty standard for a 2 hour 1080p Blu-ray, BTW this is the set I muxed it from:

Blade Runner 5-Disc Complete Collector's Edition


[-] VaporImitation | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 17:37:49

thanks for the info :)


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points | Oct 01 2017 03:39:34

Zippy mirror is up


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 01 2017 18:10:37



[-] VaporImitation | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 05:23:34

thank you so much :D


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 09:35:17

Ah no worries, thanks again. I haven't seen it yet and plan to do so this weekend, I have the 11.2Gb version from snahp.it but thought I'd try and get this version


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Oct 01 2017 03:39:20

Zippy mirror is up


[-] boltrop | 2 points | Sep 26 2017 14:06:06

Blade Runner (1982)

Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller

Rating: 8.2 (510514 votes)

Certification: R

Runtime: 110 min

Director(s): Ridley Scott

Writer(s): Hampton Fancher, David Webb Peoples

Cast: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos

Plot: A blade runner must pursue and try to terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^imdb.com ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 2 points | Sep 26 2017 14:38:20

Thank you so much!!


[-] Harouto | 2 points | Sep 26 2017 16:45:20

I'm seeing the Final Cut edition at the cinema on Thursday evening, I'm so excited!


[-] BRINGTHESLEEP | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 22:38:02

Is the "Final Cut" the same as the Director's Cut? It's embarrassing to tell people you love Blade Runner and then they watch the Theatrical Version..


[-] 1phis | 3 points | Sep 26 2017 23:18:53

It's not.

The Final Cut in 2007 released on DVD, HD DVD, and Blu-Ray. This is the only version Ridley Scott had complete creative control over. Though it is similar to the Director's Cut (no voice over, no happy ending), it has many differences and does restore the complete dream sequence with the unicorn.


[-] BRINGTHESLEEP | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 23:58:18

Interesting. Thanks for the info!


[-] thenicob | 2 points | Sep 27 2017 09:12:19

is it down? :(


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 14:16:43

It's up, make sure you follow the instructions exactly at the top of the page


[-] CoryStarkiller | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 10:21:58

It's down.

Folder link unavailable

The folder link you are trying to access is no longer available. This could be due to the following reasons:

The folder link has been removed because of a ToS/AUP violation.

Invalid URL - the link you are trying to access does not exist

The folder link has been disabled by the user.

I downloaded the "BFC.dlc" from zippy, but I can't get it to open in JDownloader 2.


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 11:46:17

I just tried both methods, they are both still open. You can get that message if either the link or key are incorrect, make sure you have removed the word !TrasH# from both the link and the key.

As for the .dlc, I just opened it no problem in Jdownloader2, that's what was used to create it, I don't know what to tell you there...


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 14:08:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] Paridoth | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 21:08:53

Idk if I'm just not seeing it but was resolution is this? Thanks.


[-] Paridoth | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 21:09:53

Derp I see it in media info. Woops.


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 21:24:11



[-] MOfaren | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 00:34:33

None of these rar files will extract. Anyone else getting that problem?


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points | Sep 27 2017 02:12:31

What program are you using? If you are just trying to have Jdownloader extract it for you and it's not working try either WinRar or 7zip, if you are using those programs try updating them.


[-] MOfaren | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 13:03:35

Just using 7zip. Won't open the files as an archive


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 14:12:50

That's very odd, try using winRar (I used the latest version to create the archive but it is still a legacy rar format not rar4), maybe that will work for you? 7zip should be able to open it though, you could try updating it if it's not the newest version


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 00:57:16



[-] excel876 | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 15:30:09

The Lord of the rings remux is 60gb in size, Is there a way to go into the remux file and see what I can take out to slim the file size down? If so then which software would I use?


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 3 points | Sep 27 2017 15:41:37


Also, those might actually be huge, remember if those are the extended editions they are like 4-5 hours each.


[-] excel876 | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 17:32:46

I see, so the longer the movie is the bigger the file size as well. Hopefully I could take out some extras and maybe the file will be 40-30gb but if not then I'll just leave things how they're, thanks for the help!


[-] PetaPotter | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 04:30:03

Folder is unavailable? Can you reupload?


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 05:16:40

It's up, follow the instructions exactly, also zippy links have been posted


[-] convolutionx | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 18:49:13

i think the folder got taken down again?


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 19:36:41

It's up, check the instructions


[-] JerkStoreJ | 1 points | Oct 14 2017 16:16:22



[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points | Oct 28 2017 12:16:29

I am sorry to bother you with this now but I just can't seem to extract the contents of this archive. It says that part 6 is broken and even after several redownloads I was not able to solve the problem. Any way you (or anyone else of course) could check whether that is a problem just for me or for everyone else? This upload is awesome and I really wanna get it, so it would be awesome if someone could help me out with this :)

(I'm sorry, I forgot to mention I was talking about the Zippyshare mirror.)


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Oct 28 2017 12:45:25

What software are you using to extract it and is it up to date? I can check the zippy links later but sometimes it's just that the archive is a newer format than your software supports.


[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 1 points | Oct 28 2017 12:56:12

The first I tried was The Unarchiver on my Mac and as is didn't work with this one I went over to a friend to try 7zip and WinRar there. My program is up to date and the other two should be as well (sorry I can only provide this much info =/).

I'm going to keep trying, you never know, but I'm pretty sure the archive itself is the problem. I might also just be extremely unlucky. In any case thank you very much for looking into this and helping me, that's pretty awesome!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 24 2018 23:40:21



[-] tiiiiimmmm | 2 points | Jan 25 2018 00:09:45

I just checked and the folder is still up, make sure you remove the phrase !TrasH# from both the link and the key.
