Himechi | 22 points | Sep 26 2017 20:13:27

[MOVIE] The Last Of The Mohicans 1992 1080p BRrip DTS-HD x265 10bit hMCi 4.5GB with director's commentary and soundtrack


ITdWZS1HZ3M5SXdTVnI4NzRxa2dWLVE= (basedecode64.org)

This link is for a folder containing the Director's Definitive Cut and a rip of the [1992 soundtrack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_of_the_Mohicans_(album/) in 320kb/s.

Michael Mann's The Last of the Mohicans is the kind of big Hollywood historical romance-action-epic that only comes around once or twice a decade—basically, the sort of film for which the adjective sweeping was invented. Think of it as Danielle Steele-meets-Braveheart-meets-the Tea Party movement, a film that carries us off on a torrid adventure of unbridled female passions, manly valor, and the pursuit of libertarian ideals. But don't let that description put you off it. (It would definitely send me running if I didn't know any better.) Mann may slather his film in bigger-than-life emotions—the positively aching score does most of the talking—but he's adept at turning these feelings into the storybook stuff of American frontier legend. And lest the men-folk grow weary of the mushy stuff, the frequent guns-a'blazin' and tomahawks-a'hackin' action scenes—if that's all you're after—certainly don't disappoint. This is a film with something for everyone—chaotic battles, period piece romance, stand-up-to-The-Man political revolt—and while I don't think The Last of the Mohicans is necessarily groundbreaking cinema, it's good for satisfying an escapist urge.

-the stats-
Overall bitrate is 5642kb/s
Audio is DTS-HD passthru
Commentary is AC3 passthru
English subtitles
Chapter markers


[-] menage_a_moi | 2 points | Sep 26 2017 20:54:39

Thanks for this! Although, just FYI, the link and key aren't encoded.


[-] Himechi | 2 points | Sep 26 2017 20:57:10

Fixed. Thank you.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 20:48:14

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] HelloHireMe | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 22:40:37

Was this the one that was 4 hours long?


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 22:43:32

Nope, this one's 1h56m.


[-] HelloHireMe | 1 points | Sep 28 2017 17:41:15

AH! Nevermind, it was "Dances With Wolves" that I was thinking of. That movie was long af.


[-] set4bet | 1 points | Sep 26 2017 22:49:09

Would Zippy mirror be a possibility?


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 01:30:39

Not anytime soon. I have a bunch of other stuff I want to upload. Can you not download from mega?


[-] set4bet | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 07:12:03

It's ok I'm just having trouble downloading from mega lately. It takes days to download a single file and when I gather more stuff only available on mega it can take weeks (and I have to pray for it to not be taken down by that time) whereas with zippy it's instant downloading.
