mc2memes | 9 points | Sep 27 2017 21:54:29

[Misc] Offline spreadsheet with UTR hashes

Hey guys, about a month ago (at the time of posting) /u/yokesh_kdk showed off a Google Doc with 6700+ UTR hashes. Found it a few minutes ago and figured some people (like myself) like to have a file with that stuff - so here's an Excel copy of it! You don't need to have Excel to open it, in fact I was using LibreOffice (a free alternative to the Office suite) when testing this.

L: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhYjE5bEFUWlo=

K: IUZic3R5dldnbnBKb21jRl9rUVZYUWE0aXI3d2x1ZDRnOXZ6bFVEd2xPMms=

*Both are in Base 64 - decode them with the site of your choosing (don't know one? Try Here! ) *

If any hashes aren't working I won't be fixing them, this wasn't my spreadsheet to begin with!

Hopefully we'll see some more UTR stuff now that this got a bump/offline copy.


Edit: Quickly after uploading, noticed part of the key was cut off before Base 64 Encoding - all fixed!


[-] PricelessPersuader | 5 points | Sep 27 2017 22:26:18

Cant any one who wants to save it off line just click "File > Download as"?


[-] tiiiiimmmm | 1 points | Sep 27 2017 23:12:28

That's what I did


[-] AmethystWarlock | 5 points | Sep 28 2017 02:38:53

What are these?


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Sep 28 2017 00:38:08



[-] yokesh_kdk | 1 points | Sep 28 2017 08:22:33

All you need is "File > Download as" and you can save it in about 6 formats. Pdf, excel, html, csv...

For those who have no Idea what this is Go through the Comments

ELI5 Here
