ecchh | 27 points | Sep 28 2017 03:57:47

[MOVIE] Osmosis Jones 2001 720p WEB-DL x264 AC3 5.1-FRANKeNCODE (3.11 GB)

As far as I am aware, this movie was never released on BluRay.

Media info

MEGA | Zippyshare (.DLC, use JDownloader)

Any pass = the name of this subreddit.

Extract with 7zip/peazip (windows), bandizip (windows/mac), keka (mac), p7zip (linux).

If you're still having trouble extracting, you may have had CRC errors during the download process. Verify that the file integrity is intact by opening the .sfv file with QuickSFV.


[-] boltrop | 1 points | Sep 28 2017 04:01:07

Osmosis Jones (2001)

Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Family, Fantasy

Rating: 6.3 (27275 votes)

Certification: PG

Runtime: 95 min

Director(s): Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly

Writer(s): Marc Hyman

Cast: Laurence Fishburne, Chris Rock, David Hyde Pierce, Brandy Norwood

Plot: A policeman white blood cell, with the help of a cold pill, must stop a deadly virus from destroying the human they live in, Frank.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Sep 28 2017 04:03:09

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
