R3a1ityCheque | 86 points | Oct 01 2017 10:19:50

[Game] Star Fox 2 (Snes Mini rom, 1MB)

This is the final Star Fox 2 rom, dumped from the snes mini.


Password is the surname of the main character in Star Fox!

Download and run it with your preferred SNES emulator (I've used it with SNES9x and Retroarch with no problem)


[-] ShanCouseland | 13 points | Oct 01 2017 10:30:08

Password is case sensitive, and thanks for this rom!


[-] linustek | 7 points | Oct 01 2017 13:29:42

If you haven‘t played Starfox, the main char‘s last name starts with Mc and ends with **oud if you REALLY NEEDED ANOTHER HINT


[-] spitfire9107 | 5 points | Oct 02 2017 00:51:36



[-] msnmck | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 02:12:44



[-] spitfire9107 | 6 points | Oct 02 2017 02:23:12



[-] linustek | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 12:33:49

hmm... pretty close


[-] VisserGaming | 1 points | Oct 01 2017 23:18:36

Or you could just google haha


[-] linustek | 1 points | Oct 01 2017 23:20:06



[-] ecchh | 3 points | Oct 01 2017 11:42:06

Great share, thank you.


[-] Zodep | 2 points | Oct 01 2017 12:28:38

Ohhhhhhh. Thank you!


[-] thesunmustdie | 1 points | Oct 01 2017 20:12:42

Thank you so much.


[-] Backflipking | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 04:51:57

I know this is a pirated media community but I don't see the problem with buying things if you can. Not going to look down on anyone for buying an SNES Classic because they want to support the company that makes the media items they want (and this community thrives on). Keep buying if you have the means to do so and keep supporting the companies so they can continue to make more of what you love.


[-] [deleted] | 7 points | Oct 02 2017 05:43:46



[-] Backflipking | 3 points | Oct 02 2017 07:05:09

I can't either, just saying no need to belittle those that want to buy it.


[-] bodhi405 | 1 points | Oct 14 2017 21:09:24

Does anyone know of an emulator that I can use for macbook pro?


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 10:56:38


Pretty much the best solution for mac. Looks great too.


[-] creator4983 | 1 points | Mar 06 2018 20:59:32

Password don't work. Why put pass in a public file download?


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 1 points | Mar 06 2018 21:07:00

You must be new here.

Password does work. Read the OP.


[-] ilovemiabear | -1 points | Oct 02 2017 00:46:32

YAY finally! Was wondering when this would get leaked.

I am honestly baffled why ANYONE would pay for SNES Classic Edition when you can download literally every SNES ROM organized perfectly within minutes and run it perfectly on an emulator and a simple computer. All you need is a Xbox 360 controller.

You can even download LaunchBox and organize everything beautifully.


[-] spitfire9107 | 10 points | Oct 02 2017 00:52:49

I wanted to buy it for my cousin so he could have his first system. He's 9 and his generation only plays with ipad and iphone. Wanted him to experience my childhood. Yes I know about emulators and roms but i feel giving him the actual system is more meaningful than dling roms and emulators.


[-] ilovemiabear | -1 points | Oct 02 2017 01:03:24

system. He's 9 and his generation only plays with ipad and iphone.

Well in the case of a gift, I would say that's probably not a bad good idea. I probably was too liberal when I said "ANYONE" lol!
In your case, I definitely understand and could see myself doing the same.


[-] spitfire9107 | 3 points | Oct 02 2017 01:06:44

I forgot to mention their houses doesnt own an actual pc or laptop. Everyone just uses ipad and iphone. I know emulators and roms work on those but its meh. He also loves watching lets plays by pewdiepie. When I was a kid not only did I enjoy playing with snes but I had pokemon cards, nerf guns, gi joes, superman action figures. These guys spend their whole childhood on iphone and ipad. Playing with random apps liek roblox...


[-] ilovemiabear | 0 points | Oct 02 2017 01:10:15

I know exactly what you mean. SNES Classic Edition would be ideal then because a computer + controller would be a lot more expensive.

Hope he enjoys your gift and experiences the joys of what we went through during childhood.


[-] spitfire9107 | 0 points | Oct 02 2017 01:14:46

We spent 2 hrs watching vine videos at his house when I was there. Most of the vines were dumb but some were funny.


[-] cocoabean | 3 points | Oct 02 2017 01:38:13

The controllers.


[-] msnmck | 3 points | Oct 02 2017 02:13:44

All you need is a Xbox 360 controller.

Leave. Leave and never come back to this place ever again >:/


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Oct 02 2017 03:13:15



[-] Farmer771122 | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 16:49:59

With it being so limited and the scalpers charging insane amounts for it though

blows my mind how amazon has a turnkey scalping service. You can buy it at msrp , and then the next user doesn't see msrp, they just see you selling it at 4x the price, at the same product page url. and amazon doesn't give a shit because they just get to earn their margin twice and still claim "we have tons of units available (technically)". So sleazy!


[-] darksaviorx | 0 points | Oct 02 2017 04:24:21

Or a pi. The only reason I'd get an snes classic is for my niece and nephew because a pi can be easily messed up if you unplug it (maybe it's less susceptible with os on USB). Most want it to either scalp it or muh nostalgia.
