indigo6alpha | 24 points | Oct 02 2017 12:20:01

[DISCUSSION] Weekly General Discussion Thread [10/1]


[-] Blue-Thunder | 20 points | Oct 05 2017 04:34:33

Wish there was more zippy. It's the fucking bomb, seriously.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 2 points | Oct 08 2017 19:06:17

I've never used it. How does it compare to MEGA?


[-] Blue-Thunder | 5 points | Oct 08 2017 19:30:11

I personally think it's better as there is no stupid fucking daily bandwidth limit bullshit. Also anyone can upload, so no need to make an account. Files stay for 30 days on their servers from last action.There are other subs that use zippy like /r/ZippyShare /r/zippysharelinks they are pretty dead but some of us are trying to bring back life to /r/zippyshare. It's not easy. Would like to crosspost, but don't want to piss off the mods here.

Jdownloader is an awesome tool for zippy. They also have their own uploader tool that is freely available and it makes it so much easier to share content. Much easier than mega.


[-] mutcholoko32 | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 20:03:58

I didn't knew about the 200MB limit... every server has its flaw


[-] Blue-Thunder | 5 points | Oct 08 2017 20:56:19

It's not really a flaw since rar and other programs will let you just do chunks. Makes it more managable for people who have limited uploads and downloads as well.


[-] nt07077 | 17 points | Oct 03 2017 00:20:02

Find myself only downloading 1080p x265 files these days...


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 12 points | Oct 03 2017 14:39:47

I always avoid the x265 posted here, too compressed


[-] throwawayadalkesfkl | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 10:14:01

I find most of UTR (RCVR especially) and PSA 10bit quite alright. On some files though the denoise algo, used to reduce film grain, is quite noticeable. Black and white movies are another story, they definitely suffer because the profiles used aren't optimized for BW.


[-] sitman | 2 points | Oct 08 2017 19:57:55

Me too, but it's because My TV hardware can't play them with Plex.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 19:07:18

Stick with UTR and PSA, they know how to compress while retaining quality.


[-] dmjohn0x | 9 points | Oct 07 2017 13:21:34

So much bitching about hevc, its a compression algorithm. Sorry if you are using a decade old machine that isnt powerful enough to keep up, but its not like its hard or expensive to get a modern device capable of playing x265 10bit. Hell, there are cheap chinese boxes out there for $35.

I'd like to thank those of you out there actively uploading x265. I find that a compatible decoding device is much cheaper than buying another 8tb WD Red.


[-] HA5HBANG | 5 points | Oct 07 2017 16:55:29

This so much. Like I've said before, x265 is NOT the future! It's the past at this point. Continuing to whine about x265 compatibility at the end of 2017 is ridiculous. Whining about x265 quality on the other hand makes sense in specific situations, but not on r/megalinks, where most content is not original encodes by OP. It doesn't improve this community, but unfortunately there will always be complainers and downvoters.


[-] dmjohn0x | 5 points | Oct 07 2017 20:46:37

x265 is the best algorithm we have so far. Almost twice as effective as x264 and much faster than VP9. It's not the future, its the Now. And issues with quality is entirely the responsibility of the encoder. And I find most 10bit encodes by known groups offer the same quality as the x264 counterparts at just less than 2/3rds the size. Which gives me more content for my 2tb Mega limit as well as saves me on buying new NAS devices to store it all on.

Im super glad people are uploading HEVC. Just get annoyed at all the whining of people using decade old devices talking about how they wish their was a megalinksx264 alternative site etc.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 19:09:22

I wish RARBG would get their heads out of their asses and start hosting x265 content that isn't just raw movie files. They claim that x265 creates "ghosting artifacts". That is definitely not the case with UTR encodes, but try telling them that. They won't listen.


[-] Axelstrife | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 13:52:29

Can't please everyone and it's not like any of them are paying for our internet so no one should go out of there way to post x264 small filesize if x265 is better at smaller filesizes.


[-] dmjohn0x | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 13:58:55

luckily I dont have to deal with a data cap, but I know what a premium on storage looks like. The only reason I'd choose to use x264 over x265 is for plex using transcoding. The compression agorithm is so advanced it can quickly bring a transcoding server to its knees. But I avoid this by disabling transcoding and using devices with hevc hardware decoding. not like its expensive anymore.


[-] Axelstrife | 1 points | Oct 07 2017 14:17:23

plex pass subscribers now can use Plex Hardware-Accelerated Streaming using your GPU not CPU.


[-] AmazingAnagram | 8 points | Oct 02 2017 13:10:24

Is it just me or does anyone else's download speed get reduced significantlly when you've almost finished downloading a file?


[-] AabidS10 | 4 points | Oct 04 2017 13:51:57

I experience this problem with almost every hoster except mega


[-] NakLove | 7 points | Oct 03 2017 04:05:45

I see people using Mega and Zippy but they mask their links using an encrypter or in a captcha blocked list or they use .DLC files for JD2 or a combination of each.

Why and whats the most effective for keeping links alive longer?


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 20:23:58

I don't think anyone knows, which is why we have such a variety of obfuscations.


[-] age_of_cage | 5 points | Oct 04 2017 13:12:58

This sub is essentially useless to me now that mega is much harsher with the limits and I can't play x265, which is pretty much all that's uploaded here anymore. Shame, it used to be required reading most days.


[-] Blue-Thunder | 5 points | Oct 05 2017 04:31:42

Buy a $40 cheap android box from china, done. They will play it just fine.


[-] shampeh | 3 points | Oct 05 2017 11:38:14

or plex


[-] ruralcricket | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 22:39:10

So my TV supports DLNA from my plex box, but doesn't support x265. How do I force Plex to transcode to this device? It's an LG 55LE5400 TV it that matters.


[-] shampeh | 3 points | Oct 05 2017 23:15:55

Not sure about DLNA, my plex server runs on a GTX970 + i7-4790k that I assumed did all the transcoding. I have had no issues playing files through Roku/Plex app on my TV. But fuck x265 tho


[-] akhil609 | 1 points | Oct 07 2017 10:11:56

Actually x264 is easier to find than x265. So you can request the x264 version in the x265 post. I have many x264 movies and am collecting x265 movies from here . All you have to do is to comment the same in the x265 post and I or some other guy will hopefully try to upload it.


[-] GhostHawk666 | 1 points | Oct 04 2017 18:49:01

I know. I wish there was a separate Megalinks subreddit like Megalinks264. This x265 stuff is a pain to convert back to x264 so it works with all my media players and I don't have to run out and spend another $300 on something just so it can support this 265 crap.


[-] HA5HBANG | 6 points | Oct 06 2017 15:40:02

Thanks for sharing all your x264 crap with us.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 3 points | Oct 08 2017 19:11:02

You'll need to upgrade eventually. x265 is here to stay.


[-] MrTattyBojangles | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 19:10:24

This .bat file should bypass the 5GB limit for you. Credit goes to /u/dxrth.


[-] sirin3 | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 21:20:57

I just tried my first big download with mega-cmd

After 5 GB it stops, but after 4 hours it continues the download. So when you keep your computer running all day, you could download 30 GB :/


[-] akhil609 | 5 points | Oct 07 2017 10:37:33

Are there any bots in here specifically to downvote every post? Otherwise how can someone downvote a 100GB documentary pack? Makes no sense at all. /u/ecchh /u/vcdupper /u/HA5HBANG


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 6 points | Oct 07 2017 12:40:24

We don't know really, it might just be reddit's voting algorithm. I've had posts downvoted to 0 literally seconds after posting it.

I wouldn't rule out people "positive" downvoting in order to reduce visibility on the assumption that lower popularity = less chance of it being taken down. In reality all this does is show the OP that what they've posted isn't appreciated so they might not bother posting more.

On the other hand it could simply be some butthurt guy angry that he can't download due to the size or playback the format.

Don't put too much stock into upvotes, if Mega had download stats (like Zippyshare does) you'd be surprised how many people download without upvoting or commenting.


[-] akhil609 | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 13:28:38



[-] akhil609 | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 14:11:18

I agree with the point but I felt very sad when I saw the IMAX documentaries(of HA5HBANG) downvoted . I thought it was due to the X264 encode. But if that's not the reason it's all well and good.


[-] HA5HBANG | 1 points | Oct 07 2017 17:10:14

It can't be d/t to the x264 encode, because I posted x265 encodes of nearly all the same documentaries 3 weeks ago! It's capricious, and any attempts at explaining it will be inadequate.


[-] akhil609 | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 17:15:06

Yeah forget it I have read a toxic post in the discussion forum and posted that out of frustration .


[-] HA5HBANG | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 17:54:12

np. It's kind of you to be concerned :)


[-] Axelstrife | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 13:53:40

Ive watched and seen EVERY upload downvoted within 20 minutes of it being up.

it has to be a bot, ive looked at different times of the day and night and no matter what time ive noticed the same downvotes within about 30 minutes.

I just sat here from 18 minutes after it was posted to now 29 minutes and it was just downvoted.


[-] ecchh | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 13:54:08

Yeah as others have said, don't sweat it too much. Zippy share really did shed a lot f light on how many people do like and download what is posted for me. Most people are grateful to have content shared with them for free and whatever the reasoning behind the down votes or wherever their origin, it's not worth getting hung up over. Continue your hard work and people will be thankful.


[-] HA5HBANG | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 16:49:31

Yes there are bots here. This sub is not immune to a problem that plagues the rest of reddit.

I don't really care about downvotes. My The Great Course post quickly climbed to over 200, but I asked that folks stop upvoting to keep it from going down. So everyone started downvoting it. Who knows if it helps in the long run. I think it does.

I appreciate the positive comments folks post/send. Like u/Himechi said, we're only human.

edit: How ironic is it that my post gets an immediate reply from some poorly-coded bot!


[-] tanglepayTipBot | -4 points | Oct 07 2017 16:50:06

Transaction to user akhil609 could not be issued due to insufficient balance.

^Deposit ^| ^Withdrawal ^| ^Balance ^| ^Help


[-] TubbyBud | 4 points | Oct 05 2017 15:18:56

I'm wondering if anyone else has the same problem as I do, or can provide a solution. I'm using Jdownloader 2 and for some reason, any download link from mega is in a perpetual cycle of 'bandwidth limit exceeded' followed by a 1 minute. This is only happening with mega links, as I have been able to download using OL, CNU, and Zippy. If I try to download through the browser, it works only until the size downloaded reaches 2.5GB at which point it says I need a pro account.


[-] happycakeday1 | 2 points | Oct 07 2017 23:56:34

I had the same problem, so I switched to MegaDownloader


[-] whatsthepariah | 3 points | Oct 08 2017 20:56:49

Anyone know anything about the "Error: File too big to be reliably handled in memory," i cleaned my browser (Firefox) completely and when to go download something I got that. MEGASync works fine but importing links all the time would be bothersome. Thanks in advance.


[-] Ed_ButteredToast | 2 points | Oct 02 2017 16:06:38

What services do you guys use to make throwaway MEGA accounts? I use and


[-] Himechi | 3 points | Oct 03 2017 00:24:47

Outlook. lol


[-] TheCrach | 2 points | Oct 02 2017 17:49:07

I use those, I also use


[-] TeflonFury | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 18:17:38

Can I ask what making throwaway accounts does? The download limit isn't affected right?


[-] ruralcricket | 2 points | Oct 02 2017 18:30:08

Gives you multiple 50GB stores, lets you "publish" from an account that isn't your primary account. I have multiple computers and I use multiple Mega accounts to support downloading > 50GB at once using a different VPN connection on each.


[-] TeflonFury | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 19:50:47

Cool, thanks for the info. Do you use any sort of manager or a notepad document to remember all of them?


[-] ruralcricket | 2 points | Oct 02 2017 20:08:45

Just a notepad txt file. I don't have all that many (10)


[-] Ed_ButteredToast | 2 points | Oct 02 2017 18:44:26

I upload from throwaway accounts. Less likely to get taken down all at once i believe. Also i wouldn't put my main one at risk nor does it have much space left.


[-] TeflonFury | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 19:48:24

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the answer


[-] deleuex | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 02:25:46

I use 10 minute mail:


[-] ewasion | 2 points | Oct 05 2017 20:13:36

What's that new logo?

Why would you use an overcompressed jpg instead of a png?


[-] ruralcricket | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 22:41:35

There is a separate meta posting on this. The change got voted down pretty hard.


[-] e-rage | 1 points | Oct 02 2017 12:29:17

Trying to download a file through JDownloader2 and it says that my bandwidth limit has been exceeded but instead of the usual 5 hour timer it just constantly loops a 60 second timer. This happened to anyone else?


[-] ruralcricket | 2 points | Oct 02 2017 18:28:19

I had a 60 minute timer for a while. Seems to have cleared up.


[-] AmazingAnagram | 0 points | Oct 02 2017 13:09:34

Nah haven't got that but it seems like it may just be trying to reconnect and redownload the file every 60 seconds. I don't know JDownloader that well so I could be wrong. Also requests like these should go in the Help Thread :/


[-] tonyd9 | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 08:08:53

Anyone know of a good video player for an ipad? Playerxtreme and the vlc mobile app both freeze a lot. Infuse is mostly good but the video still stutters occasionally. Trying to watch 1080p x265s on it. Starting to think maybe my ipad just can't handle it haha.


[-] SourceDetective | 3 points | Oct 03 2017 12:18:56

HEVC (x265) requires more compute power to decode. Only a few new models of mobile phones are capable of playing without stuttering/issues, i believe (not sure, don't quote me on that). Not to mention it'll drain out the battery fast.

It is best, in my opinion, to stick to x264 for phones/PCs/tablets/whatever and x265 for PCs for now.


[-] tonyd9 | 1 points | Oct 06 2017 12:31:12

It’s weird my ipad plays short 22 minute vids alright but it starts acting up with anything longer. And yeah I’ve noticed it’s a battery killer haha. Probably stick to watching on my laptop.



[-] GhostHawk666 | 2 points | Oct 04 2017 18:46:20

Right, best to avoid the x265 stuff, and stick with the x264 which has much higher compatibility and is playable on everything.


[-] tonyd9 | 1 points | Oct 06 2017 12:33:15

I’d love to build my library in x264, but with my shitty internet, downloads would take forever haha


[-] TheCrach | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 13:11:07

With the Pro III plan in would I get an additional 8TB of storage every month, or is it a one off.


[-] Axelstrife | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 13:31:32

One off.


[-] TheCrach | 1 points | Oct 03 2017 14:34:14

Thanks, can you get more storage and if so how much do they charge.


[-] Hadam10Rose | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 00:57:50

does anyone know of a place that you can get current games from the NHL? (North American Hockey)


[-] greatflicks | 1 points | Oct 07 2017 02:25:04

as provided by vcdupper a while ago. Lots of different ones, you can surely find NHL on there.


[-] 0vlade0 | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 04:10:19

using JDdownloader to download from mega it usually notifies me when i reach download limit but today i got a message saying has blocked my IP.
Is it blocked for good? or only because of download limit?


[-] treski33 | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 18:12:31

I’ve been using jdownloader and a vpn to use these links but now when I try to do a download it says I’ve reached the bandwidth limit for every vpn location and has a counter from 59s to 0s but then it just starts over at 59s once it finishes, how can I fix this?


[-] repi_17 | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 20:34:38

does someone know when the war for the planets of the apes at high quality will hit the megalinks?


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 3 points | Oct 06 2017 14:57:16

Whenever the bluray gets leaked, usually a couple weeks before its official release date


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 21:59:28



[-] ruralcricket | 1 points | Oct 05 2017 22:42:01

I think you meant to put that in the request thread.


[-] nicomaque | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 07:04:47

I have problems too using JD Downloader like other people here but I don't have the 1 minute timer, I have the 5 hours one. Evrytime the timer hits zero, it goes back to 5 hours and I can't download anything


[-] AmazingAnagram | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 10:40:17

Anyone know where to find music hosted on mega?


[-] mutcholoko32 | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 19:08:38

Why don't we all go to Zippy Share? It has the maximum speed and doesn't have the shitty limit


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 2 points | Oct 08 2017 19:52:14

200MB file limit and 30 day retention is the killer. Not a problem if you're running a high-traffic website with a lot of downloaders but stuff here falls off the front page pretty quick and gets forgotten about. At least with Mega the only way you'll end up with a dead link is if the OP deletes it or a third party requests a takedown.


[-] sirin3 | 1 points | Oct 08 2017 21:23:11

My Mega is broken :(

No link can be opened in the browser.Perhaps from installing the Mega extension. It works in another browser without that extension


[-] anastusfocht | 1 points | Oct 09 2017 00:19:34

FireFox 56 hosed the Mega browser extension. When I can get it to work it won't DL over 1 gig file sizes. Hell, DownThemAll is unstable!! Look like Chrome only for me. Fuck you Firefox
