indigo6alpha | 22 points | Oct 09 2017 03:34:51

[DISCUSSION] Weekly General Discussion Thread [10/8]


[-] [deleted] | 36 points | Oct 09 2017 14:09:42

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1338 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] TheCrach | 8 points | Oct 10 2017 23:41:09

If you make a request I'd gladly put something on Zippyshare, MEGA's upload speed is starting to piss me off. 10-15 MB/s with MEGA and about 50 MB/s with Zippyshare.


[-] x265KiP | 7 points | Oct 11 2017 00:47:00

When you have giga, but Zippy still too slow


[-] justalurker19 | 4 points | Oct 11 2017 12:07:30

It should state faster than 99% of the world.


[-] AabidS10 | 3 points | Oct 13 2017 04:27:57

Can you adopt me?


[-] TheCrach | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 02:20:22

Wow I only get 1gbps lol only.


[-] ecchh | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 00:07:07

Upload speeds that I dream of.

1.2 MB/s maximum for me, haha.


[-] akhil609 | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 14:04:25

same for me. upload speed never crossed 1.5MBps even though dwnld speed is around 15MBps


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Oct 13 2017 04:29:22

Your upload is usually around one tenth your download speed. That is normal. Do a speed test to find out what your upload speed is.


[-] Evil_Vagina | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 16:59:35

Can't see an openload. :/


[-] justalurker19 | 11 points | Oct 10 2017 04:09:42

Has mega decreased their daily free gbs?


[-] playtio | 4 points | Oct 10 2017 09:36:25

I'm interested/affected too.


[-] trashcluster | 4 points | Oct 10 2017 14:55:28

it seems so, can't hit the 5gb datacap, more like 3.5-4 Gb


[-] justalurker19 | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 02:15:26

I tried to download a 3.1GB file and there was a warning that I wouldn't be able to download it at once.


[-] trashcluster | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 10:42:50

Lol, /r/softwaregore


[-] sneakpeekbot | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 10:43:01

Here's a sneak peek of /r/softwaregore using the top posts of the year!

#1: Titles in iMovie | 584 comments
#2: Rip Ohio | 846 comments
#3: He truly was ahead of his time | 156 comments

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 1 points | Oct 10 2017 23:17:10

It's unique to your IP address... At least that's what the small text says in my mega sync app.


[-] justalurker19 | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 02:15:59

It used to be 5GB, now it's less than 3gb, that sucks. I'll stick to torrent, oh well.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 02:26:26

Give it a rest for a little bit and it might go back up. Happened to me once or twice before.


[-] justalurker19 | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 04:35:51

It's been happening for two days in a row :/


[-] trashcluster | 9 points | Oct 10 2017 00:08:19

Why are uploader only posting in x265 now ? ^^^karma ^^^farming ^^^? I can understand that it takes less space but for the quality we get in most of these hevc files it not worth the hassle and i'd rather go watch these movies on streaming sites. When one download a movie it's not to delete it after, it's mostly to build a library and keep it. It may take some time to download but at least you have high quality file and not a blurry video. As for disk space, well, not everyone is a /r/DataHoarder but still, buy some disks and boom... more space ! In the future there will be better formats than x265 with better quality/space, just be patient :D


[-] JaresTV | 6 points | Oct 10 2017 09:31:57

Yeah I understand what you mean. I personally would also prefer good(!) 265 content over 264 (at least when we are talking series), but a big portion of the 265 content posted here is overly compressed, with a bitrate around 1000kbits or less which leads to many artifacts.

I don't like how people think that 265 can do some magic and make videos so small without a quality loss.

Many 1080 265 posts look worse than an good 720 encode.

I really hope this changes some day ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


[-] ecchh | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 00:11:57

Most of the x265 encodes I see are above 2500kb/s, going up to 7000kb/s for 1080p, at which point it's more than enough bandwidth for 1080p x265.


[-] JaresTV | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 10:20:24

Yes I totally agree with you that most movies are totally fine, but most series are not that great (apart from animes, they don't need much bandwidth to look good). But around 5gb for a whole Season with 10-15 episodes in 1080p x265 isn't encoded with a bitrate with 2000kb/s or above.

But I am not complaining, every post is greatly appreciated and if I don't like it I simply don't download it. Soory when my message came out wrong.


[-] HA5HBANG | 5 points | Oct 11 2017 22:06:52

I understand all the debate about quality, but really I think most people on this sub prefer x265 because they're looking for smaller file sizes, which is crucial for a file host that implements a download quota.

It's that simple. Folks can usually get 2 x265 movies for the size of an x264 movie, and I think that matters more to people here.


[-] PricelessPersuader | 4 points | Oct 10 2017 14:36:45

Well why don't you upload high bit rate H.264 files?


[-] trashcluster | 9 points | Oct 10 2017 14:51:01

I uploaded more than a Tb of high quality (~20mbps) H.264 files on this subreddit, except i didn't uploaded movies one by one but in bulk or in collections. The only movies i haven't uploaded are the ones recently uploaded here in H.264 (from a month or so). I'd be glad to upload more but i ran out of content to upload :D


[-] ecchh | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 00:09:16

You're downloading the wrong x265 files if you think it's blurry. x265 is a much better codec than x264. And really? Arguing to wait for better technology to come along? What's the point of ever upgrading anything then? Something better is always just around the corner.


[-] trashcluster | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 00:43:23

If blurays discs are still using H.264 codec over x265 it's for a reason, at high bitrates no codecs perform better than H.264, it's when you start to lower bitrate than x265 begins to shine and by far outperform H.264. Still, image quality is much better on a 20Mbps H.264 than a 3Mbps x265 movie 'which are the most common bitrates). As said previously x265 is good enough for someone who can't use streaming sites because of internet speeds or for people with datacaps. As for me and many other people who are looking for high quality files and won't be bothered by the size H.264 is the must. I'm not saying that everyone should stop uploading in x265, it's a very good codec for people looking to save bandwidth, i'm just saying that H.264 shouldn't be abandoned as it seems to be on this sub recently.


[-] ecchh | 5 points | Oct 11 2017 00:46:38

Blu-ray discs are still using h264 and x264 for compatibility reasons. You can't force x265 hardware decoding into a blu-ray player from 2006. The format needs to be standardized to work on all blu-ray players made since inception. However, what you failed to mention is that ALL 4K BluRay encoding is done in x265 because of its extreme efficiency, especially at larger resolutions. x265 has more motion vectors than x264, meaning it's the more accurate encoder. There's simply no reason to waste so much wasted data when there's a better alternative out there that's already been standardized into 4K BluRay players.

I'm not calling for people to abandon x264, but there is a better alternative out there. I post x265 because I've been collecting it for years, since not everyone has the money or the desk space or outlets to accomodate a new hard drive every month.


[-] trashcluster | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 01:39:31

You're totally right, except people expect a 2.5Mbps x265 encode to match a 20Mbps x264 one which will never be the case. One more thing to keep in mind is also the cpu usage on media servers, a x265 1080p movie take much longer to start and stutter more than x264 files. An alternative would be the AV1 codec which is announced for the end of this year.
On this sub i can see 2 kind of persons who browse it : Someone looking for a movie to watch on his laptop with his girlfriend on the couch, and someone looking to complete his movie collection who will keep it for years. As for uploaders they seem to neglict the second one. Lately this sub is flooded by x265 encodes and it's nearly impossible to browse properly.


[-] ecchh | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 02:21:22

Lately this sub is flooded by x265 encodes and it's nearly impossible to browse properly.

You say that, but browsing back through the newest posts, it's about 50/50 x264/x265. There's no shortage of x264 content at all.

As for the different types of people who browse the subreddit, you aren't really correct about that one either. Plenty of people have come to me saying they could finally upgrade their crappy copy of a movie with an x265 copy. People who want small filesizes are also people who keep movies. There is definitely an overlap.

As far as x265 playback is concerned, it's only an issue if you don't have a recent machine. I myself experience no issues at all playing even 4K x265 HDR video on my computer. x265 is a lot more mature than AV1, it's been worked on since 2012. I'm not going to bet on AV1 just yet.


[-] Himechi | 2 points | Oct 10 2017 02:36:38

Speaking only for myself, I'm going for the higher quality and lower file sizes of x265, plus I hope I'm somewhat futureproofing my work. What little feedback I've gotten says that people prefer files under 5GB, so I try to land as close to that as I can while keeping the quality up. If you're not a fan of sub-2GB rips then you're probably annoyed by the way they've been flooding megalinks. The only thing you can do is Hide the people who post them (and hope they don't post anything you want).

Megalinks is the wrong place to karma farm. I'd get more upvotes from posting Obama's vacation pictures to The_Donald than I get posting submissions here.


[-] whatsthepariah | 6 points | Oct 09 2017 18:19:30

So are Firefox users also getting the pop up to use MEGAsync to download things?


[-] ecchh | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 00:07:57

Yeah, it says firefox doesn't have enough bandwidth or something to decrypt large files.


[-] whatsthepariah | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 01:34:23

It was working before though, that's the thing. Then all of a sudden it started saying that. So I'm not really sure what has happened.


[-] gazongagizmo | 1 points | Oct 14 2017 08:04:37

Maybe they're preparing us for the very soon implemented clusterfuck of WebExtensions, rendering half of everyone's addons incompatible.


[-] greatflicks | 1 points | Oct 09 2017 18:49:47

firefox now takes me directly to a link with a long mozextension in front of the url. I'm not sure how to use megadownloader with it.


[-] kgwjeglkwjlgkjw | 5 points | Oct 10 2017 01:37:32

Has anyone noticed a reduction in available webdls? tbs rips is everywhere, but itoonz and amazon webs seem to be disappearing.


[-] PricelessPersuader | 4 points | Oct 10 2017 14:31:22

Yeah, it kind of sucks.


[-] Matt14451 | 3 points | Oct 10 2017 16:03:45

I've seen more AMZN rips on RARBG, annoying as I prefer the 1080p web-dl that were uploaded more last season.


[-] kgwjeglkwjlgkjw | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 00:13:36

Youre right. It seems some are going up more slow than before. After a week when some weren't showing I started to think they were abandoned. I am starting to see more show up again. It looks like itunes has largely been replaced with amzon ones there.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 2 points | Oct 10 2017 23:17:45

Maybe because most of the summer blockbusters have already been released?


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 10 2017 10:50:50



[-] kgwjeglkwjlgkjw | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 00:21:04

Some that I thought were gone are starting to show up. It seems to be more days delayed than previously though, at least on rarbg. I had thought fox cartoons were abandoned, but they started to show up recently.

Modern FAmily seems to be done with itunes and only amzon now. Unless I really love the show, itunes bitrate was usually good enough. If amzone is the only source, that's what I'll take though. Not complaing, it was just nice when both were available

Once Upon a Time seems to only be webrips now and they're it's >3gb.

Mindy Project I can only find TBS webrip, but those have looked good on that show, but just stereo. Many TBS (scene group?) ones I saw had the rating at the beginning like on tv, not typically in web releases and no 5.1 audio. Some also didn't look too good. I was curious what was changing. If groups changed or something.


[-] hippocratical | 5 points | Oct 12 2017 03:30:47

So Jdownloader is fantastic. Quick question though;

If you have a segment that says "Retry in 15 minutes" is there anyway to make it try again now, rather than waiting?

I've tried 'force download' but that doesn't appear to work.

EDIT: Found it - If I right click and select 'reset' them it starts fresh.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 3 points | Oct 10 2017 23:16:04

Does anyone know anything about starting a p2p site and generating revenue off link ads? Mainly, how much a popular site like that would bring in?


[-] TheCrach | 3 points | Oct 10 2017 23:55:56

Is there any sort of interest in 1:1 Untouched blu-rays and remuxes or is it mostly just small encodes.

Just checking so I don't waste my time if nobody wants them.


[-] ecchh | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 00:19:33

I definitely have an interest in those types of files, but I'm disappointed to see that most people who upload remuxes don't bother uploading them anywhere other than MEGA which means you basically need to buy a subscription if you're intending to download it.


[-] Eelysanio | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 07:51:14

I would love some remuxes of popular movies. Unfortunately I don't see much 4k remuxes.


[-] Frodo_Bomb | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 00:25:50

I would LOVE more remuxes, do you have/can you get any of these?


[-] 37abf8091bd52ac73 | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 16:23:22

I am very interested!


[-] TheCrach | 2 points | Oct 15 2017 16:32:34

What are you after.


[-] 37abf8091bd52ac73 | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 16:49:21

Honestly just about anything and everything you're willing to upload, I will download. But I know leaving it open ended like that is unfair to you. Here are some of the movies I have been having trouble finding nice copies of. Any and all uploads will be appreciated though! (I feel like I'm talking to a celeb right now, I've grabbed a ton of your links. Thanks for all the hard work)

Catch Me If You Can

City Slickers

Office Space

Ace Ventura


[-] TheCrach | 1 points | Oct 16 2017 20:04:14

Are you after full 1:1 blu-rays or remuxes.


[-] 37abf8091bd52ac73 | 1 points | Oct 16 2017 21:40:01

Remuxes would be preferred. But beggars can't be choosers. Thanks again


[-] x265KiP | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 02:39:12

Anyone know file any hosts that allow about 3-4GB per file? Pref unlimited:)


[-] uwotm8_888 | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 04:57:55

yup but its an indonessian site and highest file i've sen is 17 gb


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 09:15:26

give a look over, max file size is 10GB via FTP or 1GB via web upload.


[-] HA5HBANG | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 00:52:05

Hey I'm trying to figure how to upload w/ FTP to this. As best as I can translate this w/ google, I don't need an account to upload, right? I'm trying

curl -T myfile -u email:password

It fails with

Access denied: 530

Have you been successful?


[-] x265KiP | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 02:47:25

I think an account is required. Here, it says something about requiring a password to upload


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 10:11:17

I just tried using your command and it worked okay. You need to use a password when attempting to upload via ftp:

The password to use is at your convenience, up to 20 characters. It will however be preserved the time of an "session" of upload corresponding to a delay of 48 hours after your last connection.

curl -T filename -u

There are some other scripts available here and here which can supposedly pick out the download link.


[-] HA5HBANG | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 15:30:00

Thanks for your reply. As you can see from my code snippet, I was passing a password. Anyway, I just tried it today, and it works. Perhaps the service was down when I was testing.

Upload speed is atrocious. Around 1 Mbps.


[-] x265KiP | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 02:44:08

So I checked it out and got so lost. I'm sure I need an account, but the farthest I got was a subscription(?) to their services in order to upload? Plus, website looks bad, found a few dead links and looks pretty outdated


[-] douhaveanygreypoupon | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 09:29:03

[-] Natesac | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 02:03:00

I really love some of these 4K HDR releases that hit the last few days. And they actually kick my TV into HDR mode playing through Kodi. KEEP EM COMING


[-] Axelstrife | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 08:41:00

So i have over 1300 movies according to plex and i just noticed plex didn't show all my duplicates ,is there any program that i can add both hard drives to like plex and it will show all duplicates ?

Or do i really have to go through all 1300 movies manually?


[-] elichondo | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 02:46:55

You can try to scan both directories using:

But this is more for backing up/mirroring two storage locations. So if you have two files with the same name then it'll let you know if one is bigger/smaller than the other and the date it was made/created.

Other than that...I'd probably do it by hand with two Explorer windows open and just go down the list real quick.


[-] BLCEyeProtection | 2 points | Oct 12 2017 02:44:20

Using jDownloader,

If I try and download a file bigger than the bandwidth limit (~6 GB in my experience), it simply won't start the download at all, and gives the message "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded".

As I understand it, shouldn't it start the download and when the limit is reached, stop downloading until the limit resets? I can download other, smaller files fine, and I've waited over 48 hours with the same problem, so the limit definitely hasn't been reached.

Is there a fix for this or will I have to download using some other method?


[-] gazongagizmo | 3 points | Oct 14 2017 08:07:28

Discussion thread of this problem at JD forums

You can also switch over to a tool called MegaDownloader, though I heard that doesn't support folders. Download the big single files with that, and folders with JD, I reckon.


[-] BLCEyeProtection | 2 points | Oct 15 2017 11:16:27

Thank you for the help!


[-] gazongagizmo | 2 points | Oct 15 2017 11:33:54

Naturally, mate. Was at your position a few days prior.


[-] ScyllaHide | 1 points | Oct 09 2017 14:50:44

what means the UTR Tag?

EDIT: more precise.


[-] nt07077 | 2 points | Oct 09 2017 15:12:25

Aren't they a release group?


[-] ScyllaHide | 0 points | Oct 09 2017 15:18:35

nono, for the Tigole release you see sometimes UTR as tag. i will edit above that i mean the tag.


[-] Sorrow446 | 6 points | Oct 09 2017 20:16:49

It's a release group / team. Tigole is part of it.


[-] ecchh | 4 points | Oct 09 2017 21:00:47

It stands for UniTeam Release. UniTeam is the group that Tigole is part of.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 09 2017 17:18:12



[-] ScyllaHide | 2 points | Oct 09 2017 17:34:23

use the request thread, thats for discussion.


[-] ImA13x | 1 points | Oct 09 2017 18:29:03

Oops, that's totally my bad. I meant to put it there but clicked the wrong link. Sorry.


[-] K4k4shi | 1 points | Oct 10 2017 01:35:06

What is the difference downloading from megadownloader or IDM?

Also what are Megatools?

Thanks, I am new. I want to make sure I really needed it before downloading


[-] Apodacaac | 1 points | Oct 12 2017 13:07:23

IDM let’s you download from a lot of other sites in addition to Mega.

Megatools is a downloading tool that is used through the Command Line/Terminal. So there is no GUI to click on, you do everything through tying in commands on the console.


[-] mutcholoko32 | 1 points | Oct 10 2017 17:24:08

Why are those HEVC rips with AAC audio instead of AC3 or DTS?


[-] ecchh | 3 points | Oct 11 2017 00:18:28

Size reduction. Most people who aren't audiophiles don't care about DTS audio.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 2 points | Oct 10 2017 23:18:54

It's supposedly better. I can't tell a difference. With video though, I'm more picky.


[-] Eelysanio | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 07:54:56

Would anyone be interested in some upscaled anime with Waifu2x?


[-] ManikandanRaji | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 07:51:34



[-] IgnoreMyName | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 21:28:14

Just me or are downloads stopping after 3gb now require more location switches?


[-] deleuex | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 15:19:42

Seems to be hit and miss sometimes 3 gb sometimes I can get 8 gb before switching locations


[-] OkayDragon | 1 points | Oct 13 2017 05:42:28

What are the computer hardware requirements to be able to play x265 4k video?


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 13 2017 11:00:03

deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.0839 ^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?


[-] OkayDragon | 1 points | Oct 13 2017 17:53:03

Laptop and integrated. My laptop can run 1080 but not 4k. I want to be able to play 4k when I'm due for an upgrade!


[-] IgnoreMyName | 1 points | Oct 14 2017 03:40:01

How do ya'll manage your videos? I have several tv shows that I watch every now and then but always forget what was the last episode I had seen or was watching.


[-] Mason1171 | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 00:50:28



[-] Axelstrife | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 05:47:18



[-] MazeofLife | 1 points | Oct 15 2017 07:11:45

Any solutions yet for "Error: File too big to be reliably handled in memory"?

Firefox has been like that since the last update. :( I've rechecked all the permissions and even reinstalled the extension.
