caca0312 | 59 points | Oct 10 2017 09:38:55

[MOVIE] Primer (2004) [720p/1080p] (3.24GB/7.90GB)




[-] akhil609 | 5 points | Oct 10 2017 10:22:37

Is this something like a remaster or upgraded one? The original film itself is of low quality afaik when it comes to video due to lack of budget. Great movie though.


[-] StillAliveForYouLove | 3 points | Oct 10 2017 14:39:55

Yeah I always thought this was natively 720p. Will download the 1080p anyway because OP is nice.


[-] twennybensuns | 1 points | Oct 10 2017 19:44:16

Pretty much the entire budget of the film was taken up on purchasing some left over film stock which they had to use pretty efficiently to complete the film. So please don't expect anything anywhere near the standards of modern film making. It does have, and will always have, some 'grain' but hopefully you'll find it part of it's charm :)


[-] twennybensuns | 3 points | Oct 10 2017 19:41:13

Great stuff. One of my all time favourite films. Not saying it's one of the best films ever made but I've certainly re watched this so many times and with each viewing I'm still finding things and questioning my own previous theories :)

Hopefully these versions also contain the directors commentary as an extra audio track which is worth watching the film with. Please though watch it at least twice before you listen to Shane Carruth talk about the making of the film. He doesn't expand much on theory but the WHOLE thing was made for LESS than the price of a second hand car! It really is an achievement.

Huge thanks for these caca0312. As a Primer fan (if you've not already guessed) it's always nice to see more people given the chance to enjoy this remarkable film.


[-] SubZorro | 2 points | Oct 10 2017 09:42:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] sandspiegel | 2 points | Oct 10 2017 17:34:20

This movie is a true mindf*ck. The theories people have in the net about this movie are pretty interesting.


[-] set4bet | 2 points | Oct 11 2017 07:23:12

Could someone provide Zippy mirror?


[-] boltrop | 1 points | Oct 10 2017 09:39:08

Primer (2004)

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Rating: 6.9 (81571 votes)

Certification: PG-13

Runtime: 77 min

Director(s): Shane Carruth

Writer(s): Shane Carruth

Cast: Shane Carruth, David Sullivan, Casey Gooden, Anand Upadhyaya

Plot: Four friends/fledgling entrepreneurs, knowing that there's something bigger and more innovative than the different error-checking devices they've built, wrestle over their new invention.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
