zerodaythrowaway | 33 points | Oct 11 2017 05:03:29

[TV] Mr. Bean Animated Series - Season 1-4 Complete (2002 - 2016) [8.11 GB]

Screen shots for quality check

It's a mix of MP4 (S01 - 03, half of S04) and FLV (half of S04) files. Most are 720p, I think, but S04 varies. Episodes are about 10 minutes long.



Edit: ~~For whatever reason, all of the episode titles appear to be correct, but some of the episode numbers all seem to be wrong. Working on fixing that to match the tvdb/wikipedia right now.~~

I've updated the episode numbers/names to match wikipedia and IMDB. If you already downloaded, you just need to fix Season 1 and Season 3. The episode titles are correct, but the numbering is wrong. If you use a renamer program to move files around, TheTVDB's episode list doesn't match Wikipedia's or IMDB's, that's what was causing the problem.


[-] aSmallFrostyMouse | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 05:15:25

cheers fam, thanks for the heads up on the other one!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 11 2017 18:19:31



[-] CruJonesBeRad | 1 points | Nov 07 2017 19:13:08

Thank You.
