kryptseeker | 20 points | Oct 11 2017 20:47:22

[GAME] A hat in time GOG (3.6 GB)


If you enjoy the game please support the Official Release


[-] kryptseeker | 8 points | Oct 11 2017 20:48:58

I know this was already posted, but when I pirate games (very rarely) I hate how flashy and annoying the distributor is. Plus, cracks can appear as malware a lot of the time and are very annoying to whitelist.

This is just the GOG install, downloaded and immediately uploaded to MEGA, in a 7z zip.


[-] prettyprincessmatang | 1 points | Oct 13 2017 01:23:33

Thanks you!


[-] wahlb3rg | 1 points | Oct 20 2017 15:30:09

Thank you so much. I was hoping someone would upload a GOG version as I try my best to stay away from cracks.
