vcdupper | 34 points | Oct 17 2017 10:39:06

[MOVIE] The.Dark.Tower.2017.1080p.BluRay.x264-DRONES [6.56GB]




[-] Loranda | 12 points | Oct 17 2017 13:55:03

For those wondering: If you have read all the books but your SO has not, you can absolutely watch this movie without spoiling too much. The story is so stripped down compared to the what, 5000 pages, it's barely recognizable and serves pretty well as a teaser in case someone wants to read the series. AND, most important, it does not spoiler the true ending significantly.

It's a well done movie with none of the magic the books deliver, imho, but that is not a bad thing, really. I honestly was pleasantly surprised on how they handled the overwhelming story in a 90 minute movie to begin with.

BTW, if you are in for a wild ride and want the whole picture, do not forget to read It, The Stand, 'Salem's Lot, Insomnia, and Hearts In Atlantis. It's a lot to read, but I wholeheartedly guarantee it is time well spent if you like Stephen King even a little bit.

ONE LAST EDIT: If you start with the very first Dark Tower book "The Gunsilnger", do not get turned off by the weird and dopey style of writing. SK wrote the first very tiny book of the series during a very alcohol infused time in his life and it feels very very off compared to most of his other work. The other books in the series are way way more readable and what you would consider a regular novel style.


[-] Alukrad | 1 points | Oct 17 2017 18:28:00

I'm too lazy to read the books...

How's the comic book adaptation?

Any good?


[-] Loranda | 1 points | Oct 17 2017 19:36:44

I have no idea, sorry, never saw one.


[-] nemezote | 1 points | Oct 17 2017 22:43:58

Comic books are meh, movie is utter shit, even if you know nothing about the universe.


[-] Jimbuscus | 2 points | Oct 17 2017 11:20:47

Thank you


[-] flac934kbps | 2 points | Oct 17 2017 12:26:46

Thank you very much :)


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Oct 17 2017 10:42:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] jtrolfsen | 1 points | Dec 17 2017 17:26:06

audio format?
