GoslingIchi | 19 points | Oct 17 2017 12:01:30

[TV] Star Trek Discovery e05 720p/1080p NF DD5.1 NTb 830MB/1.7GB

URLs are b64 ( https://www.base64decode.org/ ) of course, and correct the name of the storage provider. The files are RAR'ed but there's no password. Subtitles are included, but they only seem to come up once or twice.


Episode 05 Choose Your Pain - 720 NF DD5.1 NTb 830 MB: aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55LnF0LyMhOFB4bW1LcEMhOW1PQ2p6WGFuTUNIQm0zVXUyd2o5LU5zc0FsbWF0MDZVVXRweWsxVmpiWQ==


Episode 05 Choose Your Pain - 1080P NF DD5.1 NTb 1.7 GB: aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55LnF0LyMheFRRRm1EcEEhMm5LeU55ZkttZFhNTmRXOHVIcVFLdV9md1hpakNuRmk5NG54TWFmV0pYUQ==


[-] TMGreycoat | 2 points | Oct 17 2017 19:29:49

Good stuff, thanks


[-] GoslingIchi | 1 points | Oct 17 2017 19:33:59

You're welcome!
