ecchh | 20 points | Oct 19 2017 23:35:54

[MOVIE] End of Days 1999 1080p BluRay x265 10bit Opus 5.1-FRANKeNCODE (2.39 GB)

For Halloween.

Media info

MEGA | Zippyshare (.DLC, use JDownloader)

Any pass = the name of this subreddit.

Extract with 7zip/peazip (windows), bandizip (windows/mac), keka (mac), p7zip (linux).


If you're still having trouble extracting, you may have had CRC errors during the download process. Verify that the file integrity is intact by opening the .sfv file with QuickSFV. If you are using MEGAsync, try using the web client or JDownloader instead.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Oct 19 2017 23:37:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] boltrop | 1 points | Oct 19 2017 23:39:07

End of Days (1999)

Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller

Rating: 5.7 (94348 votes)

Certification: R

Runtime: 121 min

Director(s): Peter Hyams

Writer(s): Andrew W. Marlowe

Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriel Byrne, Robin Tunney, Kevin Pollak

Plot: At the end of the century, Satan visits New York in search of a bride. It's up to an ex-cop who now runs an elite security outfit to stop him.

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
