iPhunwa2 | 245 points | Oct 28 2017 01:02:50

[META] Adverts on Snahp

Just thought I should let you all know that we've started putting adverts on Snahp (the main site) and the link protector. Nothing too major, just one pop-under advert on both sites to help generate enough revenue to fund the servers and keep the site online.

For over a year we've been running the two websites without the support of advertisements or asking for donations. The server costs have only been increasing (especially during GoT, some of you might remember how slow the sites were), but we've still managed to keep funding it from our pockets and made sure there is minimal downtime, if any. I'd like to keep the project running for as long as possible and for that we need your support. Accepting donations wasn't a feasible option, nor did bitcoin mining look like a decent alternative after the recent events, so adverts seemed like the only good option. Rather than using PPD/PPS file-hosts or interstitials like Adfly or Linkshrink, we've chosen to show one advert.

If you'd like to support, please disable your adblocker whenever visiting either of the sites. If not, this post should act as a heads up, and I'd recommend you have uBlock Origin or Ad-block Plus installed in your browsers.

We've been getting a lot of stick from users through emails and I'm sure there'll be a few here that are against the idea as well, but it had to be done sooner or later.

If you have any other alternatives or suggestions don't hesitate to drop me a message. Thanks again for your support!

E: I've sent the ad network an email asking them to double check the adverts that are being displayed on the website. Very unlikely I'll get a response over the weekend, but will try working it out with them.

E2: You guys need to understand we've only got a limited number of networks which would accept us because of the nature of the site (file sharing). As a result, I can't show you quality banners or pop-ups from Adsense or Amazon, etc which you'd see on regular sites. The scope for us to work with here is very slim.


[-] ecchh | 84 points | Oct 28 2017 01:24:53

I appreciate you doing what you do, and understand the need to do what you're doing. You provide a great service for so many people. I've disabled my adblocker for snahp.it.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Oct 28 2017 18:50:01

bad idea


[-] MMOAddict | 41 points | Oct 28 2017 02:13:32

You guys need to verify those ads. Some of them are very annoying. I hope they're paying you very well.


[-] [deleted] | -57 points | Oct 28 2017 03:34:04



[-] danosmanca | 38 points | Oct 28 2017 09:51:19

directly from Google Translate:

"Go to the cock fucking fucking want everything for free and without contributing anything, and still want it to be to your taste thanks that someone takes the time to share their material"


[-] iqjump123 | -2 points | Oct 28 2017 13:01:41

Oh I did not know these adverts were an attempt for this subreddit to generate revenue.. I will keep them in the whitelist. Thanks!


[-] SourceDetective | 7 points | Oct 28 2017 18:55:57

Not for the subreddit, for the site snahp.it.


[-] ruralcricket | 40 points | Oct 28 2017 01:25:27

No problem with this step.


[-] PythonTech | 39 points | Oct 28 2017 06:08:21

I'd rather donate by bitcoin than infect my computer with whatever crap the ad companies are serving up. Should look into both options.


[-] exhippy | 27 points | Oct 28 2017 01:34:43

It costs to run servers so fair enough.It is a great site.


[-] slash9492 | 27 points | Oct 28 2017 01:47:10

I wouldn´t mind to disable it but Malwarebytes is going on killing spree every time I open your site.


[-] taosk8r | 13 points | Oct 28 2017 16:59:40

This is why I never disable adblocking. Its a security risk. I will wait until I hear news that the ads are safe before I even consider it.


[-] chagmed | 25 points | Oct 28 2017 01:26:23

I hope it works out and you are able to generate revenue! Thank you for a great service!


[-] MTFlava | 14 points | Oct 28 2017 09:25:18

The snahp.it/zippyshare/jdownloader2 trifecta has become my go-to method for all the tv shows I regularly watch, so much thanks to you and your team for all you"ve done. I'll be whitelisting.


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 12 points | Oct 28 2017 11:20:08

Have you considered using a bitcoin miner?

I'd be happy to fork over some CPU power while browsing the site. If its properly and clearly stated I think this is a better and cleaner solution that ads. I've whitelisted you anyway but I'm really hoping it doesn't turn into something like the PSArips site. The ads there are insane.


[-] Jimbuscus | 5 points | Oct 28 2017 11:55:47

Yeah I would be more interested in a bitcoin miner, as long as there is a banner stating there is one, I don't see the issue


[-] iqjump123 | 1 points | Oct 28 2017 13:03:48

this is unrelated but I was always curious about this.. is bitcoin miner really worth it? Is this viable to do using a laptop? I was wondering if I can get some entry gaming laptops for 300 or so and running a miner? thanks for reply in advance.


[-] joshmaaaaaaans | 4 points | Oct 28 2017 15:22:02

Probably better to run on an altcoin, monero is most common.


[-] iqjump123 | 2 points | Oct 29 2017 14:04:54

Is this a software for bitcoin mining? Sorry total newb. Thanks for reply!


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 3 points | Oct 28 2017 18:32:40

This is one of those "it depends" questions. Do you want to make your fortune mining bitcoin with entry-level hardware? Then dont do it because it won't be worth it.

Better hardware (good CPU and GPU) and you may find it more worthwhile. But it depends on hardware costs, electricity costs etc. I mean, if you spend 300 on a laptop, its going to take a fair amount of time before you break even on it.

I've heard that the most successful miners pool their resources together and tend to do better that way. But again, these are people with strong hardware already. If you already have a gaming PC then mayeb try it out for a month and see where it gets you. But overall, it probably wont make you rich.


[-] iqjump123 | 2 points | Oct 29 2017 14:07:41

Thanks for replying! I am by no means trying to strike riches.. maybe looking for an opportunity for like beermoney style? But i guess ill also have to consider the initial investment.

For specifics- so if i get a i7 5 gen laptop with a 800 geforce card for 200 ish (local garage sale) and devote that only for mining, how much can i expect to earn before i earn ~200?

Appreciate your time.


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 2 points | Oct 29 2017 14:20:34

With that hardware (and even with what I'm assuming is pretty cheap American electricity) it's likely that you won't break even (ie costs per day VS btc mined)

The golden age for individual mining came and went several years ago.


[-] iqjump123 | 2 points | Oct 29 2017 16:26:48

Thanks for the reality cheque ;)


[-] Junk-Bot_7 | 2 points | Oct 29 2017 20:26:26

this is less related technology wise, but if you're looking for some side money maybe r/beermoney could be useful for you? Just a suggestion


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Oct 28 2017 19:55:22

Has someone implemented a way to donate flops to mining over HTML?


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 3 points | Oct 28 2017 20:26:41

Coinhive is the most well known at the moment. It's the one that TPB is using, it operates using javascript. Only thing that TPB did wrong is that they didn't tell their visitors about it. I figure if a website is upfront about it, then it's up to them. Can certainly help protect these sites from copyright attackers trying to cut off their ad revenue.



[-] lifted_being | 10 points | Oct 28 2017 04:47:00

I support this.. and what about banners?.. if you add a banner can I click it multiple times during each visit and do u get paid for each click or will it only count as one click?.. btw I was the one that made u the 100 mega accounts while chatting with u as "kat" in your chat box lol thanks again for all your posts.


[-] Ienal | 6 points | Oct 28 2017 07:22:49

Multiple clicks a day usually dont count, one per 24h counts.


[-] ScyllaHide | 7 points | Oct 28 2017 06:15:18

i can turn off the adblocker, but as long as i dont see any porn ads.


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 1 points | Oct 28 2017 20:32:12

Don't fear the boob.


[-] ScyllaHide | 1 points | Oct 29 2017 14:25:45

not only boobs, there are stupid picture hosters with have more than that, hate it.


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 1 points | Oct 29 2017 14:31:49

Not (gasp) a willy!?

Seriously though I know, I hate that shit too. If I want porn, I'll find it without ads. It's the Internet, it's 96% porn already!


[-] ScyllaHide | 1 points | Oct 30 2017 06:54:40

it is just disturbing, when you see a girl gets dp from two dudes and you only want a fucking movie to download nothing more.

agree porn is everywhere in the internet.


[-] randomcamel1 | 6 points | Oct 28 2017 07:00:01

I really respect you for all that you have done for this subreddit and all the times you have helped me with the movies and tv shows I want just like so many others you've helped here. So from now on, I will definitely disable my adblock whenever I'm visiting your sites I hope everyone else do the same even if not to appreciate all that you've done for us but for the sake of the expensive watching habits we all have. I hope it generates sufficient revenue for you to run the sites without any funds coming out of you and your team's wallet. Good luck :)


[-] Jimbuscus | 6 points | Oct 28 2017 11:43:08

I will turn off uBlock now, but I would prefer the bitcoin mining option to be honest, as long as there is some kind of banner stating that you are doing, which is easily viewable, that then I have no issue with it


[-] WifeKilledMy1stAcct | 6 points | Oct 28 2017 16:43:33

Option 1: Deal with possibly annoying ads for a few seconds while I download massive amounts of content for free from a very well organized site?

Option 2: Say screw it and try to find the same stuff while having to check out multiple other sites, with much worse and more annoying advertising, ultimately realizing how much time and patience I have wasted???

Yeah, I've stuck around with you guys for a reason


[-] Forrest_Gump123 | 6 points | Oct 29 2017 04:08:48

Time to start your own reddit called /snahplinks now that it is for monetary gain and full of malware.

Goes against what /megalinks is all about


[-] GeraldoDeRifia | 5 points | Oct 28 2017 04:18:41

How do I whitelist on uBlock Origin?


[-] faheemhassan | 9 points | Oct 28 2017 05:04:24



[-] GeraldoDeRifia | 2 points | Oct 28 2017 05:39:00



[-] taosk8r | 2 points | Oct 28 2017 17:00:48

Now just run malwarebytes every time you visit the site.


[-] HA5HBANG | 5 points | Oct 28 2017 07:45:04

Accepting donations wasn't a feasible option

Why? I would donate, and from the responses before me, it seems other folks would as well.


[-] iPhunwa2 | 9 points | Oct 28 2017 10:16:26

Accepting Paypal donations isn't a safe option. We had a BitCoin donation button on our site for 10 days but not a single donation came in. Besides, we'd have to get donations on a monthly basis to keep on going.


[-] PythonTech | 2 points | Oct 29 2017 07:31:49

Then you didn't put it in a good spot. Make it a H1 heading on the front page and see if it gets any attention.

The reason I use a ad blocker is because shitty ad companies push malware or do full page intrusive ads that play sirens and alarms. I wouldn't care if it was just products for sale that were being advertised. The adblocker doesn't get turned off for anyone, no matter what reason.


[-] Ionwerks | 4 points | Oct 28 2017 06:02:43

I've disabled my ad-blocker on snahp.it but I wonder how many impressions you're likely to get. In my browser (Chrome) most advertising opens in a new tab on following a link and uBlock Origin usually kills the page load (at another domain) pretty quick. Don't know if that registers for revenue purposes. Would banner/inline ads on the white-listed snahp.it page yield more?


[-] Luke_myLord | 4 points | Oct 28 2017 08:05:27

IF ads is not invasive I'm ok with that


[-] dnlg | 3 points | Oct 28 2017 02:02:54

Thanks, I will whitelist snahp.it on my adblocker.


[-] BlakeHRS | 3 points | Oct 28 2017 04:31:45

Hope it all works out, we all appreciate it. Whitelisted!


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Oct 28 2017 16:43:16

I just made another post. Your adverts are trying to drop malware on people.


[-] ruralcricket | 3 points | Oct 29 2017 03:51:47

Feedback. I support the idea, but really don't like pop-unders. I'd prefer inline ads. Also, I'm seeing stuff like this: http://private.bettersearchtools.com/wim/lp/lp27/index_2.php?id=2 that lead to junk link MyPrivateSearch



[-] emgeowagg | 1 points | Oct 28 2017 18:16:04

Thanks for the heads up
