achilles1515 | 21 points | Nov 02 2017 11:02:05



Remove the bold letters.

Samurai swords have served as lethal weapons but also as objects of sacred beauty in Japan. Priced as high as $1 million, a sword's beauty can only be revealed by the polishers who show its splendid temper patterns reflecting the sun, waves, and flowers. But today, there are only 50 polishers left and that number is fast dwindling. Master Sasaki is the only polisher to teach young protégés the ancient techniques. Two rivals, Yuichi and Yuki, undergo a grueling and sometimes humorous apprenticeship, hoping to win the big contest that can make or break their future as an independent polisher. Will the art of samurai swords stand a chance of being passed on for another thousand years? Beautifully shot 4K images showcase the little-known world of Japanese sword polishers.


[-] bpfn | 2 points | Nov 02 2017 15:26:32

Sounds interesting, but "sword polishers" is too funny. Thanks OP


[-] s-h-i-b-a-n | 1 points | Nov 03 2017 00:11:45

d's beauty can only be revealed by the polishers who show its splendid temper patterns reflecting the sun, waves, and flowers. But today, there are only 50 polishers left an

