ecchh | 34 points | Nov 04 2017 01:49:38

[MOVIE] Don't Breathe 2016 1080p BluRay x265 10bit AAC 5.1-Tigole[UTR] w/ Bonus Featurettes (1.80 GB | 206.82 MB)


Media info

MEGA | Zippyshare (.DLC, use JDownloader)

Any pass = the name of this subreddit.

Extract with 7zip/peazip/bandizip (windows), keka (mac), p7zip (linux).


If you're still having trouble extracting, you may have had CRC errors during the download process. Verify that the file integrity is intact by opening the .sfv file with QuickSFV. If you are using MEGAsync, try using the web client or JDownloader instead.


[-] Kill_Me_Now_World | 2 points | Nov 04 2017 02:23:25

Such a good movie.


[-] evilbunny_50 | 2 points | Nov 04 2017 03:39:39


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Nov 04 2017 01:50:06

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] sergiomomos | 1 points | Nov 04 2017 13:20:21

Im curious, are all Tigole releases encoded from the respective movies' Remux versions?


[-] Avid28 | 1 points | Nov 04 2017 15:00:15

Why is this 265 rip only 1.80 and others are 4+GB?


[-] ecchh | 1 points | Nov 04 2017 17:58:11

Recent films have less grain which make them easier to compress, and the vertical height is only actually 800 pixels high due to to the cinematic aspect ratio so there's less information to store


[-] Avid28 | 1 points | Nov 05 2017 11:44:09

Got it. So I have trouble transcoding x265 thru plex to my chromecast. I assume if I grab a x265 and convert it to x264 it would be more or less the same as just grabbing a x264 version or would it be better going from x265 say one the tigole 10bit rips to x264?


[-] ecchh | 1 points | Nov 05 2017 15:10:51

Grabbing native x264 would be best since video conversion usually results in a loss of quality unless you inflate the filesize, but yes, you could transcode from x265 to x264 to play the items through plex easier


[-] Avid28 | 2 points | Nov 05 2017 15:51:56

I tried it. it basically double the file size when I set it to "match orginal quality" so it's probably just better to grab a x264 at 6 to 8mbps instead.



[-] ecchh | 1 points | Nov 04 2017 17:59:36

As far as I am aware, yes
