forgedAF | 59 points | Nov 06 2017 14:10:38

[EDUCATION] Pluralsight - PYTHON Learning Path [8 Courses] - 720p [4.11 GB]

Pluralsight - PYTHON Learning Path - 8 Courses

  1. Python - Getting Started
  2. Python Fundamentals
  3. Python - Beyond the Basics
  4. The Python Developer's Toolkit
  5. Unit Testing with Python
  6. Full Stack Web Development with Python (WEB2PY)
  7. Introduction to the Flask Microframework
  8. Raspberry Pi for Developers

MEGALINKdecode twice


AIO Link


[-] bgpramod | 4 points | Nov 06 2017 15:11:48

Thank you so so much!


[-] NicKardasis | 4 points | Nov 06 2017 21:17:27

Can we have more educational packs like this one? It's really interesting. I'd love to see an HTML/CSS course.


[-] msc1 | 3 points | Nov 07 2017 08:36:56

search for [EDUCATION] keyword in this sub. there are TONS of quality releases :)


[-] oryix95 | 2 points | Nov 06 2017 18:52:08

Stupid question, why are the link encoded if we can easily just decode them


[-] msc1 | 4 points | Nov 06 2017 21:25:17

I think It's because to bypass automated crawlers working for copyright holders... Why they don't shutdown /r/megalinks entirely, that I don't know. That's why I joined the discord server in case that happens.

I should reserve some subreddit names; tinylinks, kimdotcomlinks, notmegalinks, megalinks2, supermegalinks...

edit: how did I forget bWVnYWxpbmtz :)


[-] motominator | 1 points | Nov 18 2017 14:10:38

Do you happen to have this course-


[-] em4gon | 1 points | Nov 29 2017 12:17:43

Thank you a lot!
