grell851 | 11 points | Nov 08 2017 12:08:08

[Movie] Paint Your Wagon 1969 DVDrip 720x264 1.10GB

Use base code 64 to decode aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyMhRXFaSHdhWkohVEVHYlMyclkxZWVjU29yV2VTNmF0b0VrTk9iaU5ZWi1wYXlUa2xVZlRTUQ==

A raucous western comedy, Paint Your Wagon is punctuated with a classic Lerner and Loewe musical score, including "They Call The Win d Maria" an d "I Talk To Trees." The story of a goldmining boom town full of brawny men centers on the work-and-play partnership of Ben and Pardner (Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood) and the delicate wife they share (Jean Seberg).


[-] tombutt | 5 points | Nov 08 2017 17:12:50

Gonna paint your wagon, gonna paint it fine. Gonna use oil-based paint cause the wood is pine!


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Nov 08 2017 12:10:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] Frankly_George | 1 points | Dec 17 2017 01:37:47

Seriously I consider this to be one of the best movies for men ever made and the comedy is right on point as well. The whole bit Eastwood and Marvin do to convince the miners to hijack the tart train is always worth a laugh.

That and the scene when Marvin can't believe his eyes that there is an actual woman in camp. Hysterical how he mangles the lines out of sheer drunkenness.


[-] grell851 | 2 points | Dec 17 2017 02:09:13

