iPhunwa2 | 68 points | Nov 08 2017 12:19:29

[GAME/PC] Call of Duty WWII-RELOADED (63.7 GB)


  1. Unrar.
  2. Burn or mount the image.
  3. Install the game.
  4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to your game install directory.
  5. Play the game.
  6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!


ZippyShare mirror not available.


[-] TheGoodSheep | 36 points | Nov 08 2017 15:15:35

63 GB, lol. The devs really stopped giving a fuck to somehow compress their games. It's gotten so bad that the file size is an actual negative argument for me.

Sorry for the unrelated rant, even more respect for the Uploader of these files.


[-] slash9492 | 13 points | Nov 08 2017 16:56:58

4k textures are not light


[-] William_Laserdust | 9 points | Nov 08 2017 16:52:12

It's a pretty natural effect of the increase in graphical fidelity as well as audio, and of course pure amount of content. It's a frustration for sure, put generally speaking should result in a better experience.

Except of course most of these Triple A games that are this big are often really shit, lack any of what really matters which is genuine quality and creativity, completely lack any type of real complexity or detail in the world beyond the graphics alone and hell don't even look all that great either in the first place. Big games aren't a problem as long as it's justified and for the most part I'll agree that it definitely isn't.


[-] Warranty_V0id | 7 points | Nov 08 2017 19:16:02

The installation will need 90gb of free disk space. So if you have a way of compressing all those 4k-texture files, HD Videosequences and atmos/hd/surround-audio files even more i guess every gaming developer company will hire you on the spot.


[-] TheGoodSheep | 0 points | Nov 08 2017 19:20:40

So you are saying normal people can encode 120 minutes 4k movie releases to be under 10 gb, but a company can't? Interesting.


[-] Warranty_V0id | 5 points | Nov 08 2017 19:25:47

Compressing a movie file and compressing all those different game files aren't scenarios which you can compare.


[-] TheC2G | 5 points | Nov 08 2017 15:59:15

why the downvotes...this guy are telling the truth


[-] Bfedorov91 | 8 points | Nov 09 2017 03:49:29

That guy doesn't know what he's talking about...


[-] [deleted] | 3 points | Nov 08 2017 17:57:00



[-] TheGoodSheep | 6 points | Nov 08 2017 18:50:15

I know, but the main reason is that most people use Steam and generally digital downloads, innit? If the whole of Skyrim is like ~5 gb, 10 times the size for CoD seems kind of too much. Even if you buy the physical copy you have to download a 10 gb patch. WTF :D

"If anyone purchases the physical release of Call of Duty: WWII they will be required to download a 9.4GB patch in order to play the game."

Comment below:
"The disc is basically just access to the game and it makes the install shorter. Nothing more. These consoles have to suck for people without internet. Which could be millions even if a vast majority are connected."

They just don't care about size anymore, because that would cost time. So they just shit out the game before it's done, instantly produce the patch to make it barely playable and move on to the WWI game (or whatever). This has nothing to do with 4k graphics or whatever reasons users actually try to justify the size. It could probably be half the size at least. But well, it's also a good anti-privacy method :)


[-] Bfedorov91 | 1 points | Nov 09 2017 03:52:54

So if they compress everything to the max, where would it be decompressed?


[-] TheGoodSheep | 0 points | Nov 09 2017 08:40:02

I don't quite get what you mean. I'm not complaining about the filesize that ends up on your hard drive, I'm complaining about the download size and that companies don't give a fuck anymore (mostly for their AAA titles). Found a graph yesterday how the size of these games exploded recently, but I'm at work now.
You can easily get a new hard drive or a PC with better specs, but you can't always get internet speeds like in Sweden everywhere. I recently moved in a city from A to B and suddenly my 100mbit is gone and the max I can get is 25mbit, I live in the center, it's ridiculous.

Edit: Found it. The article is 2 years, but still relevant.


[-] akhil609 | 8 points | Nov 08 2017 16:51:24

Is anyone interested in Corepack version (33 GB)? If yes, I am willing to upload.


[-] westlife2206 | 4 points | Nov 08 2017 16:58:48

Yes, please.


[-] horroraven | 3 points | Nov 08 2017 17:43:26

What's the difference between the two other than ~30 gb's?


[-] LYz_cs | 1 points | Nov 08 2017 20:02:31

Correct me if I'm wrong but corepack has no zombies, its just campaign only.


[-] Pretty_wizard | 1 points | Nov 08 2017 21:53:33

Fitgirl has rhe zombies / multiplayer update out now.


[-] Redbiertje | 5 points | Nov 08 2017 14:26:22

Is there any way to download such a large file without a paid account?


[-] SuicidalScorsese | 4 points | Nov 08 2017 23:25:37


copy everything from "reset.bat" into notepad, save it as .bat, then exit mega and run it every time you reach your limit. Download should resume wherever it left off.


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Nov 09 2017 05:00:50

Doesn't work for me. Still getting the transfer quota block.


[-] robiniseenbanaan | 1 points | Nov 08 2017 14:48:11

I don't know about really large files but when I hit my limit i change my vpn adres in Opera.


[-] [deleted] | 4 points | Nov 08 2017 13:02:55



[-] Gossetsguy | 2 points | Nov 08 2017 12:55:03

Thanks so much! This is awesome!


[-] EchoErik | 2 points | Nov 14 2017 14:16:16

How do you play singleplayer Zombies? SP works fine.


[-] SANBLASTEDPANTALOONS | 2 points | Nov 22 2017 20:08:07

Did you ever figure this out?


[-] EchoErik | 2 points | Nov 22 2017 20:36:09

Sadly no. Campaign was fun then deleted it for the space.


[-] Elibroftw | 2 points | Dec 04 2017 02:56:47

I'm getting an File Write Error: "Call of Duty: WWII couldn't write a file. The hard drive is probably full." But my harddrive has like 370 GB of free space. Can someone help me?


[-] sanban013 | 1 points | Nov 08 2017 16:13:49

