unpaq | 220 points | Nov 10 2017 04:11:23

[DOCUMENTARY PACK] MythBusters (2003-2016) [x265 576p-1080p AAC 2CH 99GB]

A weekly documentary in which two Hollywood special effects experts attempt to debunk urban legends by directly testing them.


Season | Resolution ---| --- Seasons 2003-2006 | 576p Season 2007 | 720p Seasons 2008-2016 | 1080p

This is the "original" series with Adam and Jamie. Hopefully the next era which begins on November 15, 2017 will be good as well.











[-] taco_bellis | 16 points | Nov 10 2017 05:04:24

Ooh shit this is amazing. Thank you


[-] Strosses | 10 points | Nov 10 2017 04:59:45

Holy shit man u scare my sleep cycle! First how it's made and now this? hits upvote so hard and even x265 holy fucking shit man THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope I can leech everything before it is down or so! cheers mate!


[-] Kam192 | 9 points | Nov 10 2017 10:21:33

Thank you so much for this. Hate to be a bother but you seem like the guy to ask; Got a copy of Junkyard Wars? Been looking for a long time only to find a few episodes here and there...


[-] Strosses | 4 points | Nov 10 2017 13:54:47

just posting in case if... also Monster Garage? :D but that's a longshot :D


[-] Kam192 | 1 points | Nov 10 2017 18:11:13

+1 I forgot about this show man!!! Good memories whewww


[-] vapenati0n | 4 points | Nov 10 2017 07:52:23

Duuude! Thank you for your uploads!


[-] paTEoriginal | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 12:57:42

anyone with streamlined version?


[-] FaeDine | 11 points | Nov 10 2017 17:41:49

Just head on over to /r/smyths . Here's their mega megalist.



[-] mc2memes | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 15:48:51

Oh god Unpaq, you're killing my home network!

Seriously though, thanks for the awesome upload, glad I won't need to do a x265 encode on this one either!


[-] Lyfultruth | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 19:08:15

Man. These documentaries packs are crazy awesome. Thank you for the ups!

I don't suppose you have James May: The Reassembler as well?


[-] lazis002 | 1 points | Nov 17 2017 09:12:20

I have that. If you send me a message, ill give you the link.


[-] MaccasAU | 1 points | Mar 20 2018 03:45:04

Do you have (BBC) James Mays Toy Storys


[-] lazis002 | 2 points | Mar 20 2018 06:17:28

Nope. Sorry


[-] MaccasAU | 1 points | Mar 20 2018 06:25:37

All good


[-] windam1992 | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 19:56:30

Thanks OP. This is my childhood right here!


[-] mrhoundoom | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 21:06:27



[-] KrangyKrangles | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 22:03:04

This is incredible! Thank you so much.

Bonus points for formatting the filenames like you did. I typically have to run everything I download through Filebot to get it uniform with the rest of my library, but you've done it perfectly.


[-] Blue-Thunder | 3 points | Nov 11 2017 00:06:06

You're a god.


[-] SloppySushi | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 10:10:03

Absolutely phenomenal


[-] SwordCutlass | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 10:12:56

Is there a 264 source for these?


[-] mc2memes | 5 points | Nov 10 2017 15:51:56

x265 isn't horrific to run, plus it takes up less space. If you have a PC that can watch 1080p YouTube, you should be fine


[-] SwordCutlass | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 16:13:00

It's an order of magnitude harder in cpu power to transcode or play. Couple that with most devices that can't even play it at all or smoothly.


[-] mc2memes | 4 points | Nov 10 2017 16:41:46

My current machine for watching x.265 content in bed is a netbook from 2013 and it runs smoothly. Download an episode or two, let it play back on your machine and you should have your verdict then.


[-] SwordCutlass | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 16:53:20

I'm only working with core2duo(lol 1080p YouTube on this)/roku3/xbox360 and xbox one. And a core2quad Plex server that can barely handle 1 HQ h264 transcode. Would probably be perfectly fine on my phone though.


[-] mc2memes | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 17:54:02

the Xbox One Plex app can play x.265 hit or miss, but it should be fine with this. Just put your media on a USB flash drive and you're off to the races


[-] Blue-Thunder | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 00:05:24

Xbox one will play it natively.


[-] SwordCutlass | 2 points | Nov 11 2017 01:07:45

Kinda, if you have DTS audio or subtitles, ect it will have to transcode. Haven't tried it a whole lot


[-] KrangyKrangles | 1 points | Nov 10 2017 22:05:19

Couple that with most devices that can't even play it at all or smoothly.

Which devices? It transcodes fine for Plex on a computer that I've got that's built with 6-8 year old parts. I can't imagine what would choke on it.

Only program I've seen with remotely any issues were some random nightlies on Kodi, but that was likely a software issue rather than a hardware issue.

If you've got a more powerful computer, you can always run a Plex server and have your less powerful computers and devices stream from Plex. Considering everything you're liable to pick up from here on out will be able to handle 265, it isn't an awful temporary solution.


[-] SwordCutlass | 2 points | Nov 11 2017 01:05:40

Any device older than a couple years basically. I agree Plex is the way to go but my server cpu is 10 years old at this point.


[-] viper8828 | 1 points | Nov 13 2017 02:23:53

mines also 10 yrs old, its only a 2.4gb processor (the galaxy s5 had a 2.1 lol) but what saves it is the 8gb of ram. i run potplayer and .x265 is surprsing the sh*t outa me (building a pc on newegg is the bestway to go but im assuming u know about that lol)


[-] Shebang-HDS-UGC | 3 points | Nov 10 2017 20:13:15

There's plenty, depends what quality. I checked, you can get the full series mostly in AMZN 1080p but it weighs in at 780.39GiB. If you don't go in super-heavy (personally for TV archival if the series is long-running I tend to stay at 720p) it's quite reasonable to get it all at around 293GiB, and it's simply going to look better than the x265.


[-] viper8828 | 1 points | Nov 13 2017 02:27:52

ive been surprised, it is almost about 65% ratio ie 100gb x264 should be around 60gb x265 and it will look about the same, especially depending on the encoder


[-] Shebang-HDS-UGC | 1 points | Nov 13 2017 02:52:35

Well this is like 20% of the size.


[-] viper8828 | 1 points | Nov 13 2017 04:41:16

i was just letting you know like for a single file, i didnt download this but are the 1080p x265 episodes in this upload AMZN rips? if not thats a huge part to it as the AMZN rips are high bit rate, theres alot of things that go into size lol -(i was just trying to give u what i found, not argue)


[-] ragedogg69 | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 13:58:00

Can anyone tell me if the episode order matches the TVDB? They have changed the season order by year and screw up how I had them labeled. It is so frustrating.

EDIT: Answered my own question, looks like this release is by year. It appears to match theTVDB.com. Great upload OP!


[-] Nafeels | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 16:00:14

Ooooohhhh very nice! Now I gotta blame you for screwing up my sleep schedule! Also, not so much related but my all time favourite episodes are the MacGyver specials and the Reddit specials.

Buster rules!


[-] I_Cant_Ink_Straight | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 17:23:06

Thank you! This is amazing! I've had a lot of these shows in various qualities all over the place.


[-] Dragonzebra | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 21:50:04

Thanks so much for this! I watched the 2 seasons they had on netflix a while back. Now I can finally watch the rest of this awesome show.

And to anyone who likes MythBusters you should check out a show called 'White Rabbit Project'. There is only one season but it's hosted by Tory, Kari and Grant, it's pretty much MythBusters but no Adam and Jamie sadly.


[-] viper8828 | 1 points | Nov 13 2017 02:28:25

i tried watching a few episodes and it bored the sh*t outa me, they didnt seem to be having fun making the show


[-] ScyllaHide | 1 points | Nov 10 2017 13:29:27

lovely, how about zip it by year? not allpeople have 200GB to spare. how will i found out how many volumes i have to download for 2003 and 2004? at least you thought so far to split it. ohh wait zippy forced you to do so.

thanks for the upload.


[-] halolordkiller3 | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 05:12:50

any chance zippyshare is going back up?


[-] -XorCist- | 1 points | Nov 20 2017 00:27:19

are you guys getting it to pop up in plex? It sees it in sonarr, but I cant get it to show in plex


[-] talium | 1 points | Mar 18 2018 17:01:37

Are you using Linux? Might be a permission issue. Happened to me and setting the proper permissions fixed it for me (Plex was able to pick them up).


[-] montr2229 | 1 points | Dec 12 2017 18:09:26

One of the episodes is incomplete 2014x03 cuts off after 33:24

Love the show, thanks for uploading it


[-] Spiricore | 1 points | Jan 24 2018 08:22:30

Amazing upload. I just got done watching all of Smyths and this was exactly what I was looking for to archive for future generations. Thank you so much!

//edit: forgot to actually say thank you


[-] PTNelsonJ | 1 points | Feb 21 2018 13:42:56

Where can i find subtitles for the mythbusters series? Thx


[-] [deleted] | -10 points | Nov 10 2017 13:49:05

13 seasons at 99 gb? yup thats shit quality for you


[-] Strosses | 8 points | Nov 10 2017 13:52:17

are you just stupid or a troll? the first episodes are more than watchable for 2003 SD recordings in x265 also goin from 2007 it is 720p more than enough for that show, if you don't like it than don't load them and go pay for the bluerays... and belive me there are worse copys out there in x264 this would be so much more HDD space... so stfu if you don't know what you are talking about


[-] [deleted] | -8 points | Nov 10 2017 13:55:51

I have a 50TB server, hardly worried about using up space


[-] balroc | 4 points | Nov 10 2017 15:08:21

The majority of us are and better to benefit the majority


[-] [deleted] | -6 points | Nov 10 2017 15:11:25

head over the /r/datahoarder for advice on leaving the majority


[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | Nov 10 2017 15:11:40

Here's a sneak peek of /r/DataHoarder using the top posts of the year!

#1: [NSFW] I archived >1TB of Eroshare, enjoy! (x-post)
#2: I hit a bit of a milestone today | 358 comments
#3: Looks like Amazon is pulling the plug on unlimited cloud storage. | 798 comments

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] [deleted] | -4 points | Nov 10 2017 14:08:09



[-] kormer | 9 points | Nov 10 2017 14:22:11

The guy is an idiot, but some of us binge entertainment to forget about politics, don't bring it here.


[-] Strosses | 2 points | Nov 10 2017 14:28:13

agreed o7


[-] [deleted] | -4 points | Nov 10 2017 14:33:12

lol yes this is a troll account but a do have a 50tb server, no im not posting proof. also im a girl and PA is not the south


[-] bert0ld0 | 2 points | Nov 11 2017 07:59:10

why are u even here if you don't even know that quality doesn't depend stricktly on size


[-] [deleted] | 0 points | Nov 11 2017 10:33:11

Do you even understand encoding?
