zackogenic | 97 points | Nov 11 2017 00:41:15

[Game] The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition (GOG DRM-Free version)


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Please, if you enjoy the game purchase it.

Oblivion on GOG


[-] Himechi | 20 points | Nov 11 2017 02:10:54

It's you! The hero of Kvatch!


[-] sergiomomos | 9 points | Nov 11 2017 18:36:07

File size is 5.20GB, if anyone's wondering.


[-] _fat_old_sun | 2 points | Nov 14 2017 20:24:48

I love you


[-] drazgul | 7 points | Nov 11 2017 18:21:06

If you want to upgrade the graphics to the current year, may I recommend Bevilex's list of mods at

And if you don't have much experience with mods, this is a great video tutorial that guides you through it

It does take a while (no need to do it all at once!) but it's very much worth it. Also, if you want some gameplay improvements, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul coupled with Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul are dead simple to install and provide a great foundation by themselves.


[-] rhun982 | 3 points | Nov 11 2017 14:24:04

By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! It's the Grand Champion!


[-] lamhocminh | 2 points | Nov 11 2017 12:22:12

Can it work on Mac? I have on stream but the


[-] zackogenic | 4 points | Nov 11 2017 13:42:36

Not without wine or something.


[-] santzapaul | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 12:21:29

Thank You!


[-] mc2memes | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 13:36:54

I was trying to find this yesterday, you've read my mind OP!


[-] SirenBrink | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 15:29:32

I've already bought this on Steam, but since that version has issues running OBSE properly without some gymnastics I might grab this too.


[-] FerousFolly | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 16:20:54

Same here.

I used to play a heavily modded version on my crappy school laptop, I miss those days of easy, smooth modding with OBSE and Wrye Bash.


[-] Head_Cockswain | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 19:43:45

I had it on console and barely played it. I might grab it just to play with mods and screw around. Had Skyrim memorized on console and have it and second edition on Steam, and I know it so well I can't bear to play it any more.


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 20:40:58

Have you tried Bruma on Oldrim? All new map and monsters.


[-] Head_Cockswain | 1 points | Nov 11 2017 23:44:11

I have not.

Is it the same gameplay? The mechanics and options are a large part of what's "old" for me.

I loved Morrowind to death, pretty much skipped Oblivion(probably due to life in general), and Skyrim, in comparison, is so ... shallow.

Yeah, there are a thousand mods that alter mechanics, even added items(eg outfits that have many many parts, not just hands, feet, legs, chest, head)....but sorting through them all, in addition to various more typical (expanded weapons, armor sets, enb, etc)....

Put it this way. I'm even tired of modding Skyrim. Mod dependencies, staggering amount of competing options, load ordering, etc. On top of that, the difference between original and Second Edition...

What I've been highly anticipating is the SkyWind project. (which I'm going to go look up and see where they're setting now... Still Alpha, unable to download...).

Sad that they're using Skyrim's armor system(from what I read). I loved the clothing + armor from Morrowind.


[-] Himechi | 1 points | Nov 12 2017 19:36:41

It is the same gameplay.

You could post in /r/skyrimmods and ask for suggestions for creating a good Morrowind-ish experience with a minimum list of mods, and then pick and choose from the replies. There is this thread that lists just 11 mods but it's 4 years old and predates the special edition. Replies to a new thread would hopefully have current mods.
