grell851 | 13 points | Nov 15 2017 10:39:57

[Movie] Boxcar Bertha 1972 DVDrip 720x264 582MB

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Martin Scorsese was just another college film school grad with a student feature under his belt when producer Roger Corman tapped him to direct AIP's entry in the Bonnie and Clyde craze. Barbara Hershey stars as the real-life depression era orphan of the title, a charming, cheeky young woman who tramped the Deep South with a union organizer (David Carradine), a dandified New York con man (Barry Primus), and a blues-playing mechanic (Bernie Casey), turning her motley band into train-robbing outlaws. Scorsese was anxious to show his chops on a real Hollywood feature and does so admirably (if impersonally) with rough-and-ready style. If the rebellious spirit and social message behind the sex and violence is more Corman than Scorsese, the film references ("Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain," Bertha tells a customer while working at a cathouse) and often inventive direction are pure Scorsese.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Nov 15 2017 10:42:05

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