AabidS10 | 126 points | Nov 16 2017 08:44:53

[ANDROID] 35 Premium Reddit, Facebook & Twitter Clients(325 MB)

A xxx client is an app which provides you with an alternative interface to browse said site. It provides you with new features and other perks. It is not affiliated with the official site. Many of these clients offer features not available in the official app itself. I have, therefore, linked to the play store description of each app, so you may read about their native features to help you decide.

This Collection includes:


reddit is fun golden platinum (unofficial) v4.8.7 [Paid]

Sync for reddit (Pro) v15 Beta 3 [Paid]

Ready For Reddit (Unreleased) v0.1.6 [Pro]

Relay for reddit (Pro) v8.2.72 [Paid]

Slide for Reddit v5.7.1 build 288 [Pro]

BaconReader Premium for Reddit v5.3.0 [Paid]

Repost for reddit v6.3.3 [Unlocked]

Boost for reddit v1.5.0 build 129 [Premium]

Now for Reddit v5.2 build 145 [Pro]

Gallery for Reddit v2.3.4 [Unlocked]

Dash for reddit v2.0.2 [Premium]


• Facebook v145. MOD (No separate messenger needed)

FaceLyt For Facebook Lite v2.5.4

• Foby for Facebook v1.0.2 [Patched]

Save your pictures and videos for Facebook v2.0 (Paid)

Phoenix for Facebook v1.7.1029 [Pro]

Maki Pro for Facebook v1.2.8

Touch for Facebook v6.9.7 [Plus]

Lite for Facebook v1.5 [Pro]

Folio 2 for Facebook & Messenger v2.1.24 b393 [Unlocked]

Friendly for Facebook v1.9.65 build 299 [Unlocked]

Power for Facebook v2.0.8 [Unlocked]

Swipe for Facebook Pro v7.2.7 [Paid]

Frost for Facebook (Beta) v1.6.3 [Pro](this one’s beautiful)

Simple for Facebook Pro v5.1.1 [Patched] Proper

Fella for Facebook Premium v2.7.8 [Patched](this shit’s amazing)

Active pro for Facebook v1.0.3 [Paid]


Flamingo for Twitter 14.6.5 [Patched]

Fenix 2 for Twitter v2.3.1 [Patched]

Talon for Twitter (Plus) v6.9.5 [Patched]

• TwitPanePlus for Twitter v9.5.1 [Paid]

Plume for Twitter v6.27.3 build 627127 [Premium]

Tweetings for Twitter v11.5.3 [Patched]

Readrr for Twitter v0.3


  1. Fella Premium is free on the Play Store for a limited amount of time, so you may wanna grab it legally.

  2. This is maybe the last one. Enjoy.



Edit: Frost and Ready for Reddit have been updated to their latest versions. Credit for mod goes to u/stabiron


[-] VaporImitation | 5 points | Nov 16 2017 13:29:41

sorry if this is a stupid question but how do I know that by logging into these apps (even the official ones on the play store) , my login and/or data isn't sent to a 3rd party ?


[-] AabidS10 | 5 points | Nov 16 2017 14:11:39

They are authorised by reddit. Reddit features them on their site. All the lo ins are are done through REDDIT'S API, so the app knows nothing except your username, subreddits and such


[-] tossing_rocks | 9 points | Nov 16 2017 14:13:20

What they're wondering, rightfully, is how do they know the downloads haven't been tampered with in a way to make logins insecure.


[-] AabidS10 | 3 points | Nov 16 2017 14:19:55

Check out this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/3lvvao/how_safe_are_third_party_websites_that_allow_you/

It's a bit similar. I've tried five of these apps and when logging in in all of them, the reddit API shows up which is https. Whether cracked or not, your password is not shared with the app. The cracker would have to install a key logger of some sort. But if you think someone's that desperate to get your reddit details...

I could,ofc, always be wrong so If someone more experienced could confirm...


[-] VaporImitation | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 20:59:58

thanks for the input guys :)


[-] AabidS10 | 2 points | Nov 16 2017 14:15:31

Can't help you there pal, im just the messenger here.If you're concerned you should stick with the original app.


[-] tossing_rocks | 7 points | Nov 16 2017 14:16:53

I am, and will. I just though I'd clear up your confusion on the question.


[-] Borschvyruss | 3 points | Nov 16 2017 10:24:43

Just downloaded fella ;) great app, thanks!


[-] AabidS10 | 3 points | Nov 16 2017 11:54:54

ikr! the design's awesome. i haven't actually used it but just looking at the screenshots make me wanna start using facebook again


[-] Borschvyruss | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 11:56:23

Totally. I love night mode :) and that you can download videos.


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 11:57:26

yup. you'll probably love sync for reddit. its got the same material design


[-] Borschvyruss | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 12:06:09

Really? Just design, though?


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 12:29:33

There are a lot of other features l. Check the play store description(click on it)


[-] SayWoot | 1 points | Nov 17 2017 05:37:04

Fella is free for a limited time on the play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fella.app&hl=en


[-] Greghannibal | 1 points | Nov 17 2017 11:25:27

It is on sale on playstore for free. Downloading from there would be better.


[-] Nephilo | 3 points | Nov 16 2017 13:01:13

Been using Frost for Facebook for a while. It's great! And has an Amoled theme as well.


[-] Stabiron | 2 points | Nov 16 2017 14:51:52

Is it the same Ready for reddit I cracked? 🤔

If yes you should update it to v0.2.0 :)

Edit : Update Frost for Facebook too. Cracked the latest version few days ago :)

Edit #2 : Lite for Facebook is up to date ;)


[-] AabidS10 | 0 points | Nov 16 2017 15:04:57

I dunno. I got them at mobilism. They didn't credit anyone.


[-] Stabiron | 2 points | Nov 16 2017 15:07:32




[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 15:14:39

Oh. Didn't realise you were the uploader. I'll update them. Thanks for notifying me


[-] Stabiron | 2 points | Nov 16 2017 15:17:58

No problem :)

No versions are good with lots of bugs fixed.


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 15:24:21

Thnx for your mods dude. Yor works amazing, specially your mods on r/moviehdlite. Again thnx for the update notif.


[-] Stabiron | 2 points | Nov 16 2017 15:40:34

Just tryna help :)

Ries manages the r/MovieHDLite I just visit it sometimes.


[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 15:40:41

Here's a sneak peek of /r/MovieHDLite using the top posts of all time!

#1: Downloads [Movie HD Lite + other mods]
#2: Sorry guys but I won't be here for a while..
#3: MovieGrabber.tv: web-based version of Movie HD | 43 comments

^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 16:17:50

Yeah. Some of them are yours tho right. Bobby movie and such.

I'm going through your post and I've used several of the stuff you've posted there. Thnx again


[-] kalikazoo | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 09:36:48

Thanks but is Relay for Reddit (Pro) v8.2.72 [Paid] missing from the Reddit folder?


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 14:11:59

It's called reddit news or something in the folder


[-] PolarLight | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 12:06:58

How do updates for these apps work?


[-] AabidS10 | 3 points | Nov 16 2017 12:30:15

You can't update directly. You can always check forum.mobilism.org for the latest versions. That's one task you should do if you want to get things for free


[-] MrXnoid | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 12:20:50

U have to be in constant check with releases on the play store and then find the updates if they are major and necessary .

One of the big downfalls of pirating !


[-] apennismightier | 1 points | Nov 16 2017 16:41:07

This doesn't include Relay for Reddit.


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Nov 17 2017 03:50:57

It does. I commented above that relay is called reddit news in the mega folder


[-] slash9492 | 1 points | Nov 17 2017 01:31:19

for iOS users I´ll recommend this one: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/apollo-for-reddit/id979274575?mt=8

it´s free, no ads and it´s awesome.


[-] Akshay_Prasad | 0 points | Nov 16 2017 12:18:50

Bro do you have Camera MX pro cracked?
