ecchh | 46 points | Nov 27 2017 03:31:49

[MOVIE] The Jungle Book 1967 Diamond Edition 1080p BluRay x265 10bit Opus 7.1-FRANKeNCODE w/ Bonus Featurettes (2.31 GB | 4.01 GB)


Media info

MEGA | Zippyshare (.DLC, use JDownloader or

Any pass = the name of this subreddit.

Extract with bandizip/7zip/peazip (windows), keka (mac), p7zip (linux).


If you're still having trouble extracting, you may have had CRC errors during the download process. Verify that the file integrity is intact by opening the .sfv file with QuickSFV. If you are using MEGAsync, try using the web client, JDownloader or MIPONY instead.

The Jungle Book 1967 Diamond (1080p Bluray x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 7 1 Tigole) w/ Bonus Featurettes (1.68 GB | 1.06 GB)

The Jungle Book 1967 Diamond Edition BluRay 1080p REMUX AVC DTS-HD MA 7.1-FRANKeNCODE (18.85 GB)


[-] TJHookerWithAPenis | 2 points | Nov 27 2017 03:44:34

Are the audio codec and bitrate the only differences between the two posts?


[-] ecchh | 4 points | Nov 27 2017 03:52:29

There are a few more featurettes included with this version that weren't with the Tigole release for some reason. Most of them (that weren't included with the Tigole release) I didn't name because I couldn't find a concrete source on what they were called.


[-] TJHookerWithAPenis | 1 points | Nov 27 2017 21:22:02

Cool, thanks.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Nov 27 2017 03:33:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
