CounterintuitiveBody | 16 points | Dec 08 2017 06:07:31

[MUSIC] Miles Davis - 'Round About Midnight (1957) {Legacy Edition} (Jazz, Hard-Bop) [FLAC, 414.6MB]

A cool, contemplative jazz record made by Miles Davis during his bop era when his music was still rooted in traditional jazz forms. This album is notable for featuring a group referred to as Davis' First Great Quintet, a working and touring band that Miles assembled and recorded several classic albums with. This Legacy Edition also contains a bonus disc of live material.

Miles Davis - 'Round About Midnight


Disc One (note: tracks 1-6 are the original album, with tracks 7-10 being bonus tracks for this reissue)

Disc Two (note: track 1 recorded at Newport Jazz Festival, Jul 17, 1955, tracks 2-9 recorded Feb 18, 1956)


Miles Davis' First Great Quintet

M (base64): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIXM3NTMwSmlZIUVKMmw2bDF6UFlmb3NMdWExWG9wWVE=

Enjoy, and as always PLAY IT LOUD! (even when it's quiet)


[-] bpfn | 1 points | Dec 08 2017 07:24:17

What makes it hard-bop, as opposed to bop?


[-] CounterintuitiveBody | 1 points | Dec 08 2017 15:18:33

Well, the short answer is: that's the genre that I saw listed for this album on Wikipedia :D

A more detailed response can be found here, but generally most jazz during the 50's and 60's falls under the "hard bop" category as its popularity among musicians eclipsed that of bebop.


[-] bpfn | 1 points | Dec 08 2017 21:36:23

Thanks, interesting stuff
