grell851 | 10 points | Dec 09 2017 11:35:31

[Movie] Munchies 1987 DVDrip 720x264 421 MB

Decode with base 64


Simon Watterman, a space archaeologist, discovers the "Munchies" in a cave in Peru. Cecil Watterman, Simon's evil twin brother and snack food entrepreneur, kidnaps the creature. What Cecil does not know is that the creature, when chopped up, regenerates into many new creatures -- and are they mean!


[-] boltrop | 1 points | Dec 09 2017 11:37:07

Munchies (1987)

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi

Rating: 3.9 (1036 votes)

Certification: PG

Runtime: 83 min

Director(s): Tina Hirsch

Writer(s): Lance Smith

Cast: Harvey Korman, Charlie Stratton, Nadine Van der Velde, Alix Elias

Plot: Simon Watterman, a space archaeologist, discovers the "Munchies" in a cave in Peru. Cecil Watterman...

^This ^summary ^is ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] TwiztidJuggla420 | 1 points | Dec 09 2017 15:24:35

Thanks. I never got around to watching this one. I need to check it out sometime.


[-] memerick | 1 points | Dec 09 2017 21:13:11

Is there something I am missing or should be deleting here with the link?


[-] grell851 | 1 points | Dec 09 2017 21:30:37

use base base 64 to decode the link


[-] LlewelynMoss1 | 1 points | Dec 09 2017 22:11:19

Is this where Futurama got the idea for the poplers episode lol
