CounterintuitiveBody | 45 points | Dec 09 2017 22:38:09

[MUSIC] Black Sabbath 1969-1975 Audiophile VinylRips (24-96) [FLAC, 5.42GB]

Vinyl rips of Black Sabbath albums up through 1975's Sabotage. Sourced from a variety of rippers, all in 24bit-96khz.


M (base64): aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIXhtb0dXSVNRIXBOcUp4enNZbE1OaWR2ZUxiQ0lydGc=

Enjoy, and as always PLAY IT LOUD!


[-] Wordsarescary | 5 points | Dec 09 2017 23:03:20

Man you're killing it tonight. I'm just sitting here refreshing and adding to my cloud drive. Are you grabbing these rips from Usenet or something?


[-] CounterintuitiveBody | 10 points | Dec 09 2017 23:09:52

No, these are all things that I've collected over the last few years. I uploaded a lot of them to my account during this past week and am catching up on posting the links here. Been a longtime user of this sub, but just started giving back recently.

