iPhunwa2 | 116 points | Dec 14 2017 22:31:18

[MOVIE] Thor Ragnarok 2017 NEW HD-TS X264 HQ-CPG (2.3 GB)

MEGA (Sample included)

ZippyShare mirror not available.


[-] Zodep | 18 points | Dec 14 2017 23:19:39

Quality is a lot better than I had expected. Could pass for a R6 DVDRip. Colors are a bit off, but the picture quality is definitely watchable. The audio sounds like a true TS.

(Based on the sample and TS standards) A:9/V:9

How does it compare to bluray rip/hd web-dl? A:5/V:5

Thank you!


[-] AeroRandy | 9 points | Dec 14 2017 23:43:48

anything is better than that first shitty rip


[-] Wildmen03 | 17 points | Dec 15 2017 02:43:08

I thought we were supposed to have a web rip by now?


[-] shy247er | 5 points | Dec 15 2017 07:59:45

Video is actually quite bad (even for TS standards). There's all this motion blur happening (extra annoying in fight scenes) and it looks like it has smaller frame rate than it should.

If you're really desperate then you have no other choice but I would still wait for better rip.


[-] TheEvenDarkerKnight | 2 points | Dec 15 2017 03:25:14

anyone watch the movie already? worth it? in theaters i mean


[-] OZL01 | 12 points | Dec 15 2017 03:41:12

It was a fun movie to watch in theaters and I personally think it was better than the previous two Thor movies.


[-] karmasoutforharambe | -7 points | Dec 15 2017 04:39:38

its more shallow than the other two, if that was even possible. for some reason it 'works' a comedy for people, hence the high ratings. personally i think the punisher is the best thing marvel has put out recently, maybe because it doesnt seem like a theme park ride at disney land


[-] OZL01 | 10 points | Dec 15 2017 04:45:47

Different strokes for different folks my dude


[-] MizzyChizzy | 7 points | Dec 15 2017 05:10:13

This guy dudes.


[-] ScyllaHide | 5 points | Dec 15 2017 11:55:41

i bet you are a DC fanboi.


[-] ChainLC | 7 points | Dec 15 2017 06:48:58

Some of the humor is overdone. Action is great and when the big hero moments happen it's glorious! When Immigrant Song kicks in during Act 3 it's as good as it gets imo. Easily the best Thor movie.


[-] Empyrealist | 6 points | Dec 15 2017 05:11:48

It's a vibrant spectacle. This is a kind of movie I would recommend that you see on a big screen. I enjoyed it.


[-] greatflicks | 4 points | Dec 16 2017 00:28:04

for sure. Easily the best Thor and among the best Marvel movies IMO. Very funny and the action is awesome.


[-] AabidS10 | 1 points | Dec 15 2017 03:34:08

Good for TS.

I'd say both audio and video: thor out of five.(HDTS standard)


[-] pcjona | 2 points | Dec 16 2017 00:26:05

eh quality wasnt worth watching I can wait for a bluray rip. Thanks tho!


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 14 2017 22:33:49

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] Yashirmare | 1 points | Dec 15 2017 01:53:18

Quality isn't too bad for the most part, granted there is a sudden audio quality drop around 1:40:00 for a few minutes
Decent enough overall, same with the movie. Thanks for sharing.


[-] Mrfrodough | 1 points | Dec 15 2017 02:09:18

Audio sounds pretty trash to me. Scrapey type sounds


[-] generalecchi | 1 points | Dec 15 2017 10:44:01

Aw yea, thank god I waited - I almost rewatched this yesterday


[-] ScyllaHide | 1 points | Dec 15 2017 17:36:40

thats some nice quality for a TS, think i will go with it.
