vcdupper | 118 points | Dec 19 2017 20:32:21

[MOVIE] [3.23GB]




File: 3.4GB, mp4 1080p video, 48k audio
Duration: 2:20:04

The Star Wars prequels are shitty movies. What a travesty of American cinema and a waste of incredible resources. There was such an opportunity to spin more parts of an awesome story. We love the iconic Episodes IV, V, and VI and the prequels were a serious injury to the Star Wars fans. Shame on everyone who gave George Lucas the "yes that sounds great, George!"

I've been itching to reduce these movies since they came out. Things you will find missing from my edit:

Any spoken words of JarJar (he still visually appears and it's kinda cool, uh, maybe. it was hard to surgically remove him completely. you understand...)
Droids talking back like it's a slapstick movie
Gungans (missa speed yousa waysa..)
General Grievous
Terrible Padme/Anakin lines (ok some of them are still there. ugh.)
Immaculate conception or midachlorians (sorry, no)
Racist trade federation characters
Whining Skywalker lines
Over the top Dick Tracy makeup on the smoking Emperor
Yoda jumping around like it's a fucking kung fu movie
Darth Vader yelling "Nooooooooooo!!"

In the words of Jack Torrance, "Go check it out!"



[-] crylicylon | 51 points | Dec 19 2017 20:46:42

I'd like a copy that only includes the cut scenes for meme reasons.


[-] SpongederpSquarefap | 24 points | Dec 19 2017 21:04:05

Hello there


[-] flipside927 | 11 points | Dec 19 2017 22:08:48

Anti cheese edits are also a good watch


[-] ncaa76 | 11 points | Dec 20 2017 02:42:40

Yoda jumping around like it's a fucking kung fu movie. I could live with this, everything else I'm glad you took out.


[-] omni461 | 9 points | Dec 19 2017 20:59:16

This should be interesting, thank you.


[-] R3a1ityCheque | 8 points | Dec 19 2017 22:03:57

The prequels are shit yes, but they gave us Anakins musings on the shortcomings of sand and the joy of r/prequelmemes.

Which was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!


[-] lydiasmartin | 8 points | Dec 20 2017 14:13:26

"The Star Wars prequels are shitty movies."

the disrespect.


[-] metaz69u | 3 points | Dec 21 2017 07:22:31

Do you mean disrespect to shit? I agree. Shit can't smell any worse then the prequels.


[-] lydiasmartin | 6 points | Dec 21 2017 09:18:19

oh look, a prequel hater.

i mean the last jedi is pretty shitty so, yall can have that hot mess


[-] metaz69u | 2 points | Jan 18 2018 08:46:00

Well, if you can sit thru all 6 hours for the prequels without vurping every 15 minutes; you are a better fan than me.


[-] dyiddo | 4 points | Dec 20 2017 06:46:43

Wish there was a higher quality edit (not content but like video quality)


[-] thunder2132 | 4 points | Dec 20 2017 19:05:17

First off, thanks for the upload u/vcdupper your uploads are always appreciated!

I'm going to give just a brief impression of the first 5 minutes of the movie. In 5:30 we go from the start of everything, to bargaining with Watto. The cuts are harsh and leave out quite a bit of context. We go from the poison gas to the hanger bay ("It's an invasion), to the communication disruption, to escaping the Naboo hanger in less than 1 minute. One second Amidala is sitting in her throne room, and the next she's huddled with her handmaidens while surrounded by battle droids.

So yeah, way too choppy, and I'd say it should only be used if you really want to rush through the prequels, otherwise stay with the anti-cheese edits, which are also choppy, but not nearly this bad.


[-] RynoBones | 1 points | Dec 22 2017 14:12:55

I came here to say exactly this. I got about thirty minutes in before giving up. For someone (like me) that had never really paid any attention to or watched the prequels with fidelity...this fanedit didn't help. So much was cut out that I just didn't know what was supposed to be happening the majority of the time.

Not just cut....Poorly cut. Jumping from one scene to the next with no explanation or context. Like BOOM all of a sudden there was a Jarjar on Tatooine.


[-] bigdaddybesbris | 3 points | Dec 19 2017 20:52:39

Is there any info on this edit at If so, could you point me to it?


[-] vcdupper | 3 points | Dec 19 2017 20:58:45

This just hit torrents earlier today,so probably not.


[-] bigdaddybesbris | 5 points | Dec 19 2017 21:00:04

I didn't realize it was a new edit, heh. Know of any good 1-3 edits? I can't stand the prequels, but they're an important part of the universe.


[-] mcgunn48 | 6 points | Dec 20 2017 02:45:50

There's one that uses the Japanese language track so that you don't know what they're actually saying, assuming you don't actually speak Japanese, and rewrites the dialogued subtitles into a tightened story. The edit is all 3 cut down to one feature length. Overall it's an improvement and kind of interesting as an experiment. edit: Had to look up the name again. The Blackened Mantle


[-] 07181138 | 4 points | Dec 20 2017 04:57:49

and rewrites the dialogued subtitles into a tightened story.

That sounds really interesting.


[-] vcdupper | 3 points | Dec 19 2017 21:01:01

Uploaded: 2017-12-19 00:18:04


[-] rongkongcoma | 3 points | Dec 19 2017 22:48:52

Sounds great, I hope he cut out everything about the pod race, that was so useless.


[-] viper8828 | 3 points | Dec 19 2017 22:57:45

that was the only part i enjoyed because it had good base lol


[-] vcdupper | 1 points | Dec 19 2017 22:59:05

No its still there


[-] os10 | 3 points | Dec 20 2017 00:32:15

those damn prequels were seriously traumatizing. ruined star wars for me, and I grew up on it in the 70s and 80s.

i'mma give this a chance


[-] Ironicalogical | 10 points | Dec 20 2017 01:22:08

ruined star wars for me

Such a stupid statement. Does eating a bad burger or pizza ruin future burgers/pizza for you?


[-] anastusfocht | 21 points | Dec 20 2017 02:09:38

Getting food poisoning from Famous Dave's pulled pork has certainly turned me off to pulled pork for almost a decade now...


[-] domain101 | 5 points | Dec 20 2017 04:44:38

They never said what Dave was famous for. It was for poisoning people. A more accurate name would be Infamous Dave's, but that's just semantics.


[-] thunder2132 | 5 points | Dec 20 2017 10:14:36

The Famous Dave's in my hometown (Muskegon) got shut down by the health inspector. I knew a guy who worked there as a cook for a while, he said that his boss would yell at them for cleaning their pans and prep areas, and that cleaning them would ruin the seasoning building up. These weren't cast iron things, just standard cooktops and pans. Their dishwashers were also pretty bored because they were told that if the plate looked clean then it was clean. If someone left a side on their plate it would be taken off and put on a new plate and served to someone else, or they'd clean around the side and put food back on it.

It was open until right around when the guy I knew quit. He told us he was going to the health department, and I believe he did. They did a few temporary shutdowns, and then the place permanently closed. I'll never know how much of what he said was true and how much was a disgruntled worker complaining to the gas station clerk he saw every day while buying scratch-offs and smokes (me), but given the horrible food poisoning me and mine got the one time we went there, and the shut down, I believe enough of it.


[-] JustinDC123 | 1 points | Dec 20 2017 15:47:44

Jesus Christ.


[-] os10 | 4 points | Dec 20 2017 02:14:33

sorry kid, but it did. I'm coming around since Rogue One but Lucas nearly killed it


[-] EvolutionVII | 1 points | Dec 20 2017 21:29:51

Have you seen the new ones?


[-] Zodep | 1 points | Dec 19 2017 20:47:35

Immaculate conception or midachlorians (sorry, no)

She just didn't want to name names.

edit: and thank you!


[-] kaching335 | 1 points | Dec 22 2017 02:11:06

no general grievous

C'mon, even if he was a bit underdeveloped he was cool.

Darth Vader yelling "Nooooooooooo!!"

but that's his big emotional moment that sets him on that path until his death


[-] metaz69u | 0 points | Dec 21 2017 07:32:27

George was/is a megalomaniac of elephantine proportions. He's laughing because fools and their money were quickly parted.
