3atwa3 | 41 points | Dec 25 2017 06:02:50

[Movie] Song of the South (1946) 35mm NTSC DVD

https://imgur.com/a/4XPCP INFO:

Song of the South - 35mm IB Technicolor Spirit Telecine, NTSC DVD5 release (version 1)

Welcome to part 2/3 of our Song of the South Christmas Release!

This is the 35mm IB Tech scan in DVD format with a menu, performed on a Spirit Telecine.

Format : NTSC DVD5 VIDEO: MPEG2 720x480 AUDIO: 35mm stereo, AC3

No cleanup or color correction has been done - Technicolor is one of the most color-fast processes and this print looks the same as the day it was struck. This print was scanned on a Spirit telecine, so unfortunately not top of the line, but still the best quality out there. This far surpasses the BBC release, and should be the definitive until a 4k scan occurs. Again, for the holiday season we wanted to make it available to the general public.

Originally, the small team working on this had considered waiting for cleanup on the Raw files to be completed before release. However, due in large part to the cleanup coming to a virtual halt (with other scanning projects taking precedence over a clean-up job and lack of true raw files) we feel that now is the time.


This project is not affiliated, sponsored, or related to Disney. All properties are (c) and (r) to them.

LINK: M#EGA http://bit.ly/2Cb6dEm

Alternative link(G00gle Driv3) http://bit.ly/2Dhjvfy

(password is the name of this subreddit)


[-] Fucktaard | 11 points | Dec 25 2017 06:41:57

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

Disney was racist, back in the day

They wish this movie stayed in it's grave

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay


[-] TreyWait | 4 points | Dec 25 2017 21:52:41

White society was casually racist like that back in the day.


[-] deleuex | 3 points | Dec 25 2017 18:52:28

They wish this movie stayed in it's grave

Yet they built Splash Mountain at Disneyland, Tokyo Disneyland, and Magic Kingdom at the Walt Disney World Resort


[-] WizardCalf | 1 points | Dec 25 2017 13:15:53

Proud too censor artistic expression


[-] pezdeath | 7 points | Dec 25 2017 07:19:35

Fun fact. This movie was released in 1946. That was 72 years ago.

Downloading or watching this movie from any source that is not Disney or it's distributor is illegal. Every person that was involved in this movie is dead or 90+ years old.

You cannot buy this if you wanted to in any format. Disney pretty much attempted to control all sales of it. All DVD copies you find are sales of this exact dvd image.


[-] larrythefatcat | 4 points | Dec 27 2017 23:31:05

All DVD copies you find are sales of this exact dvd image.

This is far from the truth. Many DVD copies for sale are sourced from either one of the PAL VHS releases or the Japanese laserdisc.


[-] viper8828 | 4 points | Dec 25 2017 06:32:36

Remember how racist Disney was...fck yo Merry Christmas btches lol

thanks for this upload btw, was definitely curious n wanting to watch this


[-] Aldierx | 3 points | Dec 25 2017 07:58:23

Great upload ty


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 25 2017 06:03:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^opensubtitles.org ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 25 2017 06:55:53

Ooh is this a new scan? I got one earlier in the year around 19gb that looked a bit rough as expected


[-] MattyXarope | 1 points | Dec 25 2017 12:40:32

Thanks so much!


[-] TreyWait | 1 points | Dec 25 2017 22:54:50

What other scans is this group working on, and where can I find info on there releases?


[-] StillLoveCDs | 1 points | Dec 29 2017 08:11:09

im guessing u plan to keep it as dvd5, not do a mp4/mkv or so rip. i "retired" from encoding 2 years ago lol.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 29 2017 22:30:33

What was part 1? What is part 3?


[-] 3atwa3 | 1 points | Dec 30 2017 04:54:23

Only god knows ...but really this is the best version I had seen .


[-] Notelu | 1 points | Jan 06 2018 17:47:25

These were released on private trackers

  1. 1080p 16mm scan
  2. This
  3. 1080p 35mm Scan


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 09 2018 03:02:49

how are 1 and 3, they cleaned up at all? Im assuming not.

Anyway someone took the liberty of converting this into a mkv file for me so I'm using that but thank you so much OP for doing this!


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | -4 points | Dec 25 2017 10:26:24

And it's gone. No folksy racism for me I guess.


[-] 3atwa3 | 5 points | Dec 25 2017 11:16:11

how its gone ? the link is working.


[-] I-am-what-I-am-a-god | -1 points | Dec 25 2017 11:35:10

I'm getting an invalid link on mega with it.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 25 2017 13:34:41



[-] porkywood | 1 points | Dec 25 2017 16:34:37

In a mobile platform the Mega app does give an “invalid link” error. You can however open it the phone or tablet’s browser.

Maybe there is something in the directory structure that the app doesn’t like because you can access the individual files (and import or download) in the app.

Edit: importing doesnt work in the app either.
