TheCrach | 54 points | Dec 26 2017 23:44:37

[MOVIE] Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 35mm.LPP.1080p.Dolby.Stereo.LITEMAKR (22.7 GB)



Q: Can you make an open matte release?
A: No, the print is scope, only 2.35:1 is possible.

Q: What does "LPP" mean?
A: LPP is a low fade film stock. It was introduced in 1982, and all movies produced after that year have used this type of stock. "Low fade" means "really, really low fade". The color on a properly stored LPP print will outlive all of us.

Q: Why is it so dark/shouldn't black levels be higher/is the detail lost in dark areas?
A: Dark areas on 35mm prints hold very little detail, what is present there on the negative (which most commercial blu-rays are based on) never makes it to theatrical prints due to generational loss. Increasing black levels is a matter of preference and doesn't actually reveal any detail. If you feel the movie is too dark, you can simply increase the brightness setting on your TV/video player and achieve the same effect.

Q: When will you release a cleaned up version of X/open matte version of Y?
A: When it's done.

Q: Why can't you release more often?
A: Because we don't have as much time and money for it as we would like.


[-] 96dpi | 6 points | Dec 27 2017 02:39:10

ELI5 what makes this special?


[-] jeobleo | 3 points | Dec 27 2017 03:56:40

Not a comprehensive answer, but there were some tweaks done to the film's effects for the DVD release. Some mattes changed in the tank chase. Maybe someone else can chime in on the rest.


[-] larrythefatcat | 3 points | Dec 27 2017 22:13:53

I only knew about the removed reflection of the torch in the safety glass in the snake pit. It's interesting to find that other slight changes were made.


[-] Zodep | 2 points | Dec 27 2017 04:13:35

It’s a differently level of clarity.

Here is a link to a team that is doing this type of restoration with Star Wars.

Hopefully that helps you.


[-] SpitfireDesigns | 4 points | Dec 27 2017 03:01:42

Any chance you could post a zippy link for this one? I know you've done it in the past and I'd be super grateful, much easier doing that than waiting for four/five download cycles on mega. Either way, thanks for the upload!


[-] TheCrach | 2 points | Dec 27 2017 13:09:06

[-] geekzapoppin | 4 points | Dec 27 2017 16:05:27

In general, these 35mm transfers are interesting throwbacks to how the films looked in the theaters, but unless they contain footage, sound mixes, etc. that aren't available on Blu-ray, they are not the greatest visual experience. Because release prints are so far removed from the original negatives, they tend to really lack detail and shadow detail. I know this is mentioned in the info from the release group, but I don't think it can be stressed enough. With this particular release, it is definitely the highest resolution transfer out there containing all of the original SFX quirks, however the current Blu-ray is far-more-detailed and pleasing and the tweaks that were made a while back are unnoticeable unless you're looking for them.

I sure appreciate the upload, though, as an old fart and someone who misses the look of projected film.

TL/DR This release is a fantastic throwback for us old geezers but don't go into it expecting amazing image quality.


[-] ElliotAlderson77 | 1 points | Dec 27 2017 03:19:56



[-] Ignignokt- | 1 points | Jan 29 2018 04:51:37

u/ecchh any chance of a FRANKeNCODE of this release? Your Star Wars uploads were great.


[-] SubZorro | 0 points | Dec 26 2017 23:45:04

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha
