eric_hebborn | 35 points | Dec 27 2017 18:14:13

[E-Book] Eric Hebborn - The Art Forger's Handbook [PDF] [107mb]

This has been a labour of love, no digital copy exists(to my knowledge) and the publisher refuses to re-print it and what with used

copies selling for well over $100 I thought I would make it free for all.
It's taken me days to scan, edit and compile this PDF and although not perfect(there are a few pages not perfectly straight and a

couple of the colour picture pages have had the last line of description cut off) all of the books main text remains complete and

perfectly readable.
If there is the demand for it over the next few months I intend to make further revisions and fix the few issues and I'll post them

when I get round to doing it.
I also have Drawn to Trouble the autobiography digitised and again if demand is there I can post that too.
If you like this book please share it far and wide, don't rely on this link staying alive for too long so upload it to other hosts as

well please.
An early Merry Christmas to you all, I hope you enjoy my early gift :-)
This link:!eV9nCZZJ!RE5ZhzSJncUukSGq_LxrV26eULWAMQ2cRMJj_1VjdeA
EDIT: Reposted due to error in title format


[-] xXsTeffOovErkILLXx | 7 points | Dec 27 2017 18:45:01

The amount of work that went into this is huge, thank you very much for taking the time and doing this!

You are amazing!!


[-] cumhur | 6 points | Dec 28 2017 07:02:42

Thank you, kind sir!


[-] RoyalTrikz | 3 points | Jan 30 2018 20:11:29

Wow , thats awesome !<3


[-] [deleted] | 2 points | Dec 28 2017 12:39:39



[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 28 2017 02:05:03



[-] LucretiusCarus | 1 points | Feb 15 2018 18:03:39

This is amazing, thank you very much!
