achilles1515 | 67 points | Dec 28 2017 00:45:59

[MOVIE] The.Man.from.Earth.2007.1080p.BluRay.x265.10bit.AC3-NooN [2.14 GB]


Remove the bold letters.


[-] AeroRandy | 11 points | Dec 28 2017 07:19:17

Warning, movie literally is just a group of people talking in a living room.


[-] kimchifart | 7 points | Dec 28 2017 12:15:01

It's a cool film though


[-] HapticSloughton | 5 points | Dec 28 2017 20:41:36

Warning: It's an amazingly awesome movie and shows how important writing is to a story. Imagine the latest empty-headed blockbuster FX-fest with a script as good as this one.


[-] msc1 | 3 points | Dec 28 2017 15:02:30

warning? spoiler!

it's a great movie.


[-] atomizer123 | 3 points | Dec 28 2017 20:48:18

One of my favorite movies of all time


[-] gleek11 | 10 points | Dec 28 2017 10:57:19

Any chance anyone has the sequel "The Man from Earth: Holocene" (June 2017)


[-] Confusticated1 | 3 points | Dec 29 2017 12:06:01

The Blu-ray is due to be released the end of January so I'm sure it will be showing up here (and elsewhere) pretty soon.


[-] TheRealDL | 6 points | Dec 28 2017 01:56:53

Interesting film.


[-] soniq | 3 points | Dec 28 2017 07:28:09

I couldn't stop thinking about the story after I saw it. Evergreen idea - so many possibilities.


[-] SubZorro | 1 points | Dec 28 2017 00:47:05

Subtitles for this movie:

^This ^list ^of ^subtitles ^are ^taken ^from ^ ^| ^For ^feedback ^or ^suggestions ^contact ^/u/indigo6alpha


[-] MatMaf | -1 points | Dec 28 2017 06:14:55

This is actually a really great movie if you can look past the fact not a single person in the movie is a decent actor. The story alone is worth it


[-] Ed_ButteredToast | 4 points | Dec 28 2017 07:08:29

The acting wasn't that bad IMO.


[-] MatMaf | 2 points | Dec 28 2017 07:15:29

It's not The Room, but it's not There Will Be Blood


[-] Ed_ButteredToast | 2 points | Dec 28 2017 07:16:49

On a side note, for some reason, I didn't like There Will Be Blood (story wise) :/


[-] viper8828 | 3 points | Dec 28 2017 09:23:20

I concur, I thought there will be blood was kind of trash after all I heard about it, the pay off was lame and the movie was so long to get to it. at the end of the movie I didn't really care about his "kid" or what he did to the preacher lol. would much rather watch no country for old men. of course Daniel day louise make There will be blood a must watch just to watch his acting


[-] MatMaf | 1 points | Dec 28 2017 12:49:49


I agree, though. I like TWBB but it's nowhere near as good as NCFOM, that film is absolutely perfect


[-] MatMaf | 1 points | Dec 28 2017 07:27:58

I can't see why, but as long as you can realise the acting in that movie is top notch, I have no issue


[-] HapticSloughton | 1 points | Dec 28 2017 20:46:29

The acting is fine. Many of the actors are alums from the Stargate TV shows as well as some of the Star Trek series.


[-] MatMaf | 1 points | Dec 28 2017 21:02:59

Sorry but if you watch the movie for 5 seconds you'd see that the acting is subpar. No idea why I'm being downvoted, the movie is good, the acting could be much, much better and that's a fact


[-] kimchifart | 0 points | Dec 28 2017 12:15:29

Hah true, actings shit but the story really is decent.
